Monday, April 30, 2007

There was no h3 today. What a welcome relief!

And if you thought yur life was da shitz..yur wrong. This dudes self-confidence/prospects/ego is mangled for life.

Oh yeah and watch this hilarious south park episode.

Lewl first day of school was tiring though thers a holiday tomororwo yayayay!!! Nothing much happened today, besides me getting my face smashed by paniels stupid frisbee look before you swing ur arm next time letard. Now the top of my head feels a little tender i hav eno idea why hmmm... Oh well i hope i didnt become stupider :(

Sunday, April 29, 2007

lolll This is called DEGEN!

And this, is just plain cool. Zoom in

Hello again. Cant believe weekend is already almost over been another long draining week. Went to church today and there's nothing better then skipping for two weeks and getting pwned on the third. hahahah Oh well. Sermon was on envy which I think I am 100% guilty of so I basically sat there writhing in my chair (and laughing with smoot about random nonsense which was fun heh). Yea I know i should be happy with my lot and what i've got but how yea? Like the pastor says you shouldn't be unhappy about unfairness 'cuz you're unique and designed specially, so I should be grateful. Isn't a little strange to acknowledge that things are unfair and NOT feel anything against it, just sounds a little like denial to me. Oh well I don't understand.

Anyway went to buy random jap stuff with smod which was fun and retarded. The kind of fun thats getting rarer and rarer these days. I've been hearing people say this blog is getting angstier and emoer and less fun to read, well sorry but like peck said, life kinda sucks atm. Apart from a few things/people that make it all worth it in a sense, not much else. Thanks to those people anyway it matters alot to me.

Work! Yay!

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Friday, April 27, 2007


Yayay its friday. It's been a tough week. Today was especially tough. Had econz test and gp essay in the morning, both of which were rather hellish. Then lit, math, cip. Well cip at ssvh wasn't bad. One of my tasks was to read out some compres for one coolio blind woman to proof read on the braille printouts. And after that one of the other ladies said I had a damn nice voice. And that it was very manly. Of course I cleared my throat and uttered a sexy masculine "thankew". Well I'll be darned. Never thought I'd be associated with the word "manly", but I must say I wouldn't call myself unworthy of such a title. Xy was like o.0 but who cares for detractors like him! Lalala I got manly voice.

Well in other news, tomorrow is PTM and I asked memum to pop over to RI to pick up my O level hcl cert (haven't collected for a year+). Muahaha I am a devious schemer. If Ali so much as dares to throw a tantrum, my mum will own him because my mum can get rather anal about ppl giving her attitude. Well hope I don't get owned at PTM. Hope klubber teo has mercy on me. And I hope my mum doesn't own the lit teachers for not knowing who I am.

Ah nothing else. Life's getting real screwed up. Haha I think I've been saying that for the past 30 blog posts so I guess its screwed up by now.
U2 - Window in the skies

One of the best music videos I've ever seen ever ever. So cool.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Hello. Yesterday's rugby match was a kinda washout (well that was after john the bomb scored 4 tries). And the thunder and lightning were pretty sick. The thunder came loud and fast. And it was really loud, like the kind of loud that can really shake you up and throw you off your feet. And I don't think I've seen so much lightning in my life. On the way home lightning was flashing about once every 10 seconds. Oh wells I bet God was havin a bitta temper with dem lightning bolts. Or the angels were playing smite the human. Ah scary.

Oh well nuffin much else.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Ah not a bad week so far :). Since Peck posted a pop icon that I'll probably never forget for the rest of my life 'cuz of his ubersick moves and songs, I'll post one that maybe belongs to teh older generation.

Imagine - John Lennon

One of the greatest, most touching, purest calls for peace ever. This is the kind of magic that makes politicians stop and think what the heck they're doing, and maybe remember what they're there for in the first place. Hehe I sound like a Ms Singapore Universe contestent. Anyway, I don't think that that White Piano will be forgotten ever, it means too much. These kinds of songs never ever die.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Hello. Today was tiring. Had lessons. Skipped h3 to go for some ASEAN youth forum thing at NACLI. Lol fell asleep when Rodolfo Severino was speaking. Regardless of his stature, he just wasn't remotely inspiring. After that 77th street woman Elim Chew went up to speak and like gave away 50 bucks for free. Damn she's rich. Well after that wally and I were stranded because of the rain so we had to walk out to take a cab. It was totally sad and hilarious because we walked 400+m in the rain without an umbrella and then we got jacked by the taxi driver who basically backtracked our entire walking distance, past NACLI again and in the opposite direction. It's hard to picture but we felt mega jacked.

Today shall post up michael jackson gay dance of doom. The sickest move is when he goes 45 degrees with his body. It's not human. Well not to say MJ was a proper human in the first place. He's all gay and messed up.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Hello this is not good 'cuz I skipped church again :( just so I could guarantee two weeks in a row next week. :( :( :(. Perhaps that is the reason why I've been horrendously pissy/angsty lately oh well I shall do me own little bible reading at home kwakwakwa. I think if the Benny Hinn guy smited me I would implode instantly or something hahahaha. I miss my angel :(.

Apart from that today was quite a pleasing Sunday, you know, the kind of Sundays where you just stay at home and catch up with all the stuff you've been planning to do (mostly work), and waste a couple of hours doing useless but immensely fulfilling things. Normal days are so hard to come by this year so I like them when they do come.

Peck buy cnc 3 I need more noobs to stomp after beating brutal comp.

Dogs by Damien rice

I love the lyrics they make no sense
Mmm. Love long sunday naps. Ill just post up a Saturday Night Life Digital Short which I found really amusing. Yeah the thing just has no logic, and the song makes it funny. Those of you who have watched the OC would know that this is a parody of it. But anyhow if you havent (I havent) it still rox. Shia Lebouf, the guy in green was the guest star.

I think maybe tonight Ill post up the British comedy relief videos. Some are hilarious.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Well friday was mixed day. Woke up 4 times during that night and that made me really blur and irritable in the morning. And that (along with other factors like basic stupidity) probably resulted in me messin up my gp compre. Like I think I'm getting...0 for aq because I didn't answer the question. Right after was econs test which I think I could have done better for. Yeah everyone was like crowding out! did joo say crowding out? and I was thinking hot dam what in teh blue gaylord hell is crowding out. Gratz peck on not reading lecture notes.

Well after that had RAP. It was pretty good. The NUS american professor with iq of 825 was quite set on pwning groups and showing off his intelligence. Quite successful I might say. His style is as such. This point in yur presentation sucks this is why it sucks. Okie dokie whats yur comment on the suckiness of the point -__-. He tried to pwn lip with a minor point and lip gave smokey answer of doom.

After that since lip tricked smood and tanneh into thinking i was not going out to buy stuff with them, I went out with xy to j8 to eat. Yeah we talked and stuff.

Jazz was ok. Saxaphonist and flautists were a nice addition, though I would have liked to see hyqel guitar hero play more. Some of the j1s are also quite weak. Cher was great though. I liked that she had chosen songs that were a bit more mainstream (even though it was a jazz concert), and overall I think she was one of the smoother performers. Yeah after that she was mobbed with flowers. I thought sara should have played more songs though. It's like after one song it was like WTF SHES GONE ALREADY?

Oh wells. Mixed day as I said

Friday, April 20, 2007

Woo what a looooooooooooooooooooong day. Gp + maths tutorial + econs test kinda sucked, but all that seemed to pass pretty quickly cuz of stupid rap in the afternoon. I guess it turned out pretty alright, hope i didnt screw up too much or induce any sleep wehehee I know i would've slept if it were me listening to me. Anyways it's over, so i guess all that stress and annoyance gave me a pretty little cert and some knowledge that'll come in useful anywhere. Sorry to Jenny for not being able to present 'cuz of the completely rushed things, would have split it more evenly. :( Thanks anyway for the work, especially for the report since that was the important thing anyway, rest was all show and mass bullshit.

Jazz concert was pretty alright imho, thought last years was better but then again I'm no judge. Of course the highlight was piling cher with more flowers than she would ever need in her entire life, wonder what does one do with so many flowers. Like brew them into tea or something hahahah. Or make a skimpy hula dress. Wait actually with so many flowers i think maybe wont be too skimpy. Maybe more like body armour or something whawhah. K I'm going completely off tangent.

Rar I'm tired. Kinda been a whirlwind today, so am zoned out. :P byebye

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Gdluck lip for RAP! Dont f up!

And today when I went to cut hair I left my damn thick file of general stuff at the barbershop. Woo I is win. Tomorrow I shall return to claim my bounty. If the barber dude does not comply I'm gonna trollsmash him and wreck his shop. Grrawr.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Found this really cute video floating around thought I'd share it. Like the part when the police and the fat bloke start dancing around and he's like lalala I don't give a shit. Should be a familiar song to most of you, like the slow part with no instrumentals at all 'cuz that's kinda the attitude that will get you over any damn thing really. If everyone else is happy, then I guess you should too and tell yourself to stuffit. Nicepart lyrics below, deedeedeedeedee and that's ooookaaay...

And it's okay if you have go away
Oh just remember the telephone works both ways
And if I never ever hear them ring
If nothing else I'll think the bells inside
Have finally found you someone else and that's okay
Cause I'll remember everything you sang

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

to peck : lol my name is

remind me never ever ever to eat from the malay stall in school again. NEVER EVER.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Hello. Today was a tiring day. I didn't sleep well again..woke up about 3 or 4 times during the night. So I was a bit cranky and pmssy in school. But then again who isn't on mondays. Math was really boring. Klubber teo has gone for reservist and at the moment we have this guy who tries real hard, but unfortunately is quite dry and uninspiring.

And then the rest of the day was going through the motions really. Hate physical geog, love human geog, OK with econz, OK with p lit. Then after that I got utterly trollsmashed for h3 drq. My ass was totally handed to me on a platter. A 7/30 annihilation. Yeah 7/30 is probably like saying: "boi, you might as well go and eat shit now". Anyway sometimes for crap like this you just gotta laugh it off. That's exactly what I did, and anyways I didn't know jack about the drq topic (self-assurance/comforting ftw).

So after that academic spanking for h3, went to run with annliang and rayner. Yeah it was ok. Then went to work out a bit in the gym. Some of the guys there have biceps the size of my thighs. Which are gigantinormous.

Oh well I'm tired, that's why Im bullshitting so much today. Okbye

Sunday, April 15, 2007

hello another song post this ones Grey Room by damien rice, which is kinda the song to listen to if your sitting in your room feeling stoned about all the things around you in general and wish that they could be better! emoemo woo. weekend over. yuck.


Yo everyone. Haven't blogged properly for a few days now. Well on friday afternoon I accompanied wally and annliang to check out the soccer team's opening game at JJC. And boy do they look shaky. The end result was 2-1 to RJ, but the scoreline belies the team's first half performance which was absolutely woeful. SRJC hit the bar twice in the first half, and RJ didn't force any kind of decent save from their keeper. Each time SR hit the bar we were like WTFBBQ. The second half was a lot better from RJ though. The team scored, then sr equalised, then bong scored a superb winner. The first goal, however, came from a penalty, and that was extremely dubious. So hey I'm still not convinced by this side in pretty much every area of the field except the midfield.

And yesterday the family attended a benny hinn rally at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. As you can see he looks like some holy man.

As some christians will know, this man is probably one of the most well-known evangelists in the world. He's best known for his godlike gift of healing, which of course makes him highly sought-after. After all, what better way to convince people by healing them, or showing them 1337 miracles. The demand was so great that church members were supposed to be at the stadium by 5, when the rally started at 7.30 pm. Yeah they were trying to stagger the crowds. Didn't work in the end coz it started raining and the lines of people were GGing without umbrellas.

Anyway the first 2.5 hours of the rally were quite boring for me. He preached twice, sang tons of old hymms. But I say the last half an hour was EXPLOSIVE AND I MEAN EXPLOSIVE ON EVERY LEVEL. Even a religion noob like me was like ZOMGWTFBBQ!!!

Ya basically the 2.5 hours were meant for him to get the holy spirit flowing and stuff. But once he got going, it was godlike man. He doesn't really do healing by touching people but by saturating the place with healing power and stuff. Yeah people in their wheelchair started walking and stuff. Wasn't that dramatic actually.

Woah. Then he started smiting people. That was when things started getting freaky. He turned behind to the 500 person choir and said some spiritual stuff and then he did SMITE OF SOME BOMB. And the whole 500 person choir (standing) were thrown back into their seats and were slain by the spirit. And by thrown back I really mean thrown back like BOOM. I was like o.0
no shit this guy is good. Then he started doing section by section of the indoor stadium. And when he did my section I thought I would fall, so I had a bit of false hope there. So when he did SMITE OF SOME MAN I was like this is it man this is when I feel gods power. This is when god gives me a reason to worship him. And BOOM.

DOH. I didn't get slained. My entire row got slain.... except it skipped My mum and I. Even my dad was blown back. Ya this group of holy emo girls sitting in the same row to the left of me got slain, and some started crying...then laughing. My m
um told me it was the spirit of joy (she could talk cos she wasn't slain). I was a little disappointed really, and I saw some irony in it. My mum needed healing, and I needed a touch, and god kinda skipped over us, instead slaining holy people who were all psyched up for it.

Benny Hinn then started calling random people up on stage for individual smite of win. There was one particular noob that got smited repeatedly and everytime his whole body would explode into the air. Lemme try and illustrate it

Ok first holyman BH did a one handed godsmite hadoken of hope on the noob

And the guy just got blown back like 2 metres. Some dudes were helping to hold him, if not I think he would have shattered his spine

Yeah later on the choir got smited again, this time by Kong Hee (who got smited by Benny Hinn like 6 times, and hence learnt the secret of smiting). And it was really freaky because the whole choir started laughing in their seats. Like....500 chuckys

Oh well. What an interesting scene. Sry couldn't get pictures, my parents were hurrying me so much that I forgot to take my camera. Plus my dopod couldnt take good pictures. And if you have problems with any of these religious recounts I just put up feel free to tell me. Or like..cuss me on the taggy if you want.

Friday, April 13, 2007

ah well horrible day today. 1) b for pw 2) dropped my phone and got its frontscreen cracked 3) ms ng pangsehed us again 4) maths tution for the first time 5) pe was no fun 6) got soaked running to PE in the storm. close this now if you dont like reading rants.

i was just about to put today behind me when i get reminded how every bloody thing counts for your scholarship and how thats like the most important piece of crap in the entire world to get. like wow how does an effing b or a in pw matter when certain w****s already have testiomonials shiny enough to burn your eyes out at a glance (oh yea im jealous, but so are you, but you take comfort anyway in knowing that you're not a w****, unless you are one, then you shouldn't be reading this blog and should be heading off to find more things to w**** for). why not look at napfa grade and my stupid h1 chinese grade as well and tell me how I already blew it thanks. how many times do you want to remind me of the million arbitrary things that go into determining whether you manage to step into that interview room or not, and whether you have anything to show of it at the end? making it any better? i dont think so, so let me forget what i havent got so i can remember the things that i do have yea?

k whatever im going to listen to some norah jones. grats to all the As

Thursday, April 12, 2007

hello just got back from the econs talk of much obscure knowledge and now feeling pretty tired and zoned in general. hee hee schools pretty screwed up these days got to start picking meself up again. kinda plodding along aimlessly atm, looking forward to the small things that make all of this not so bad after all. haha. got my new norah jones cd (well its my mums birthday present but i ripped it already) so im in a kinda bluesy jazz mood. i <3 her voice and on the other spectrum people with annoying voices REALLY piss me off. call it an unreasonable pet peeve but, oh man I HATE PEOPLE WITH ANNOYING VOICES. k random hahahah. thankfully i dont know meet many of them around. ;p ;p ;p

oh well rap is kinda floating around, but im not going to give a shit like i did the last time, and ill just see how things go and whether anyone else can be bothered or not. w/e

im hungry i want dine rnow

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Well today the Finger Players came to perform some play about the Japanese Occupation. I thought it was okayy, had some subtle NE messages. Nothing was new about the storyline, though I laud their effort to act out some of the struggles with their loyalty. Not much else though. I thought in the Q and A they didn't answer very clearly why they used puppets in the first place, and what different dimensions the puppets add to the play. Coz frankly sometimes using the puppet seems a little retarded. No idea why they kept interchanging between human and puppet (apart from practical purposes) during the main reenactment of the play either. Kinda novel idea to use cardboard figurines for the interview though.

On another note I think I owe my lit grade to suang wijaya teh godlike selfless lit tutor and well, god himself. At least for me, it's just a little too out of the blue to attribute this to any real improvement in actual lit skillz. Oh well hohum Ill take it anyhow.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hi because lips internet is acting retarded again, I have to post up this emo rock video for him.

Creed - One Last Breath

Nice song but I prefer Higher or With Arms Wide Open
Gosh i am teh tired. What a day. Came home and found out I hadn't saved my study guide on my com (long story). Was quite pissed off with myself. Was muttering random profanities. Oh well its done now after like like 5 straight hours. Woot I am shagged. But I still need to mug random UN protocol if not xy is going to trollsmash me tomorrow during director's training. Rawr.

New song from Rob Thomas called Little Wonders OST Meet the Robinsons. I really like it

And the next one is some really awesome chinese song from king of r&b david tao its called Tian tian aka Everyday. Super nice and emo. Makes my heart all gooey inside.

Monday, April 09, 2007

boring lousy day that turned out a little better than i thought it would be. ohwell cant have happy days everyday! check this out

lolloers glad to know were reknowned for our skill in calculus. ;p

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Well Easter was ok. City Harvest put up a pretty good play, even managed to insert some elements of humour. After that went to eat duck rice at East Coast Park. Mmm, duck....tasted man good.

Well this weekend I've been really sleeping a lot. Don't ask me why just been napping like crazy. I'm a sleepyhead.
i found my angel today <3<3<3

Friday, April 06, 2007


yup since today was a holiday i did some work and got distracted for awhile reading cnc 3 shit and playing gdi missions. im now in cairo trying to destroy a nod tiberium device thing. how cool is that. nyapped a little online then went to simlim to get my dvd drive!!! yay only 49 bucks now i can play cnc 3 on my comm instead of my mums.

went to ember hotel for my mums birthday treat food was REALLY good i ate:
1) seared scallops wrapped in crispy bacon with some greens i gave my dad (i gave him a scallop too, there were only 3)
2) US chargrilled beef tenderloin with merlot sauce and truffle jus (lol jus i sound classy)
3) Heart of darkness with homemade vanilla bean icecream (er its not just vanilla its vanilla BEAN WTF???)
4) some funny cocktail i cant remember what

yay. my dvd drive works now i am a genius though my cd drive doesnt work anymore :< o hwell my dvd drive can do anything that a cd drive can do so im happy. i can play cnc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOM BOOM GDI UPERBPOWNAGE
Well since today was a holiday, we decided to go to the club to eat some western buffet breakfast. More like brunch really, since we didn't eat lunch after that. It wasn't a massive spread, but it had enough to keep us satisfied. Had stuff like yoghurt (freshly made...wait thats an oxymoron), bacon, eggs, fruit, hashbrowns, mushrooms, cereal, cheese, different types of bread and waffles. The waffles especially, were terrific. Oh yeah they had siewmai and hargao but those weren't that good. Anyways on a whole the shit ain't healthy but it sure tasted good.

Quintessential western breakfast food - bacon, eggs, sausage (and hashbrowns). This kind of food really wrecks your blood pressure.

Poached egg ftw. Cholesterol +1

Waffles were spectacular. There is nothing like fresh waffles glistening with honey, maple syrup and butter. do I explain it... it is the food of gods.

And to end off. 1337 cheeses just to look classy. 1 of em tasted like shit though.

Oh yeah yesterday I watched Team America: World Police. It's a pretty good satire of how America goes around trying to save the world and sometimes screws up big time. There's some really crass material there, and alot of sliming (some racist stuff as well). Plot was decent...the use of puppets gives the film a whole new dimension, but at the same time makes you lose interest after a bit because emotions are quite limited. Great caricature of Kim Jong Il though I must say. is good friday. So thank god for saving nubs like me. And I'm not really looking forward to church service. Good friday services are usually nothing more than rehashed plays recounting the last days of jesus, and there can't really be humour because you are commerating his death and resurrection (not like christmas, where anything goes). The sermons are even more rehashed, its always about the blood of jesus washing away sins and essentially its meant to reach out to pre-believers. Oh well City Harvest might outdo my expectations. Their plays are ownage.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

This is so freaking cute and affectionate. Two otters float around holding hands. Frontpage of youtube.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007




that having said, i did build about 10 mammoth tanks with rail guns and crushed sum buildings hahaha. :(



that having said, i did build about 10 mammoth tanks with rail guns and crushed sum buildings hahaha. :(
Too cool. Transformers stills are out. This makes every fanboi wanna drool.

Omg robot sprinting (too cool)

Robot chase. Too cool x 999
Optimus Prime. YEAH BABY

Well I guess the only doubt we can have about this that its directed by Michael Bay. Who is...well..a mainstream director that has come under massive criticism in recent years due to his formulaic action movies (bad boys, bad boys 2, Pearl Harbour). But he's also come up with emo action thrillers like Armageddon and truly great action thrillers like The Rock. And this time Spielberg is executive producer. So my hopes are HIGH LIKE SOME MAN.
hello! I think thats the first time lip blogged 3 times in a row!

I meant to blog last night but I fell asleep at 8 pm lol, which is really quite indulgent. Was dam shag after RMUN meeting.

And ya I'm quite sore over my GP mark. 31 for compre and 38 for essay. So I needta find a half mark somewhere. Lip is empathizing, only, and only because he got....37 and 43 -________-. But gratz to him anyways that kinda performance is in a gaylord league of its own.

Ya post later.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

today was a pretty good day, got back the last of my decent results (it will all go steadily downhill from here i tell myself and my parents). oh well! at least i didnt disappoint myself in the areas where i wanted to do well, so whatever happens now is more or less expected. cheer up peck that means your essay is pwnage.

glad that some shit is over.

oh well im lost for words so maybe ill just stop here.

Monday, April 02, 2007


A classic if you dont like this you really should die ty smoot for sending :p so i dont have to watch this freaky video again and again when i want to listen to it :). heh...

Crash and Burn

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart
I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you
Its hard to find relief and people can be so cold
When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you cant take anymore

Let me be the one you call
If you jump Ill break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
Youre not alone

When you feel all alone
And a loyal friend is hard to find
Youre caught in a one way street
With the monsters in your head
When hopes and dreams are far away and
You feel like you cant face the day

Let me be the one you call
If you jump Ill break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
Youre not alone

And there has always been heartache and pain
And when its over youll breathe again
Youll breath again

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please
To tame your wild wild heart

Let me be the one you call
If you jump Ill break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
Youre not alone

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Hahahah bye bye charmaine peck have fun back there :P:P:P. My sister like you is rotting in melb studying maggots and horses and llamas so she can become a vet. kek. gl

anyways i was supposed to go to church today but i overslept till 9 :( hHAHHA. so i spent the day talking unprecendented amounts of shit online and btw my parentz are going to get me cnc3 tomorrow! or tuesday! :)!!

i think school gonna be gay again like peck sed. oh well.

Nooooooo my sis is leaving tomorrow. Bah I am s h at tte red :(

Oh well on to other things. Went for buffet lunch at 4 seasons yesterday. Very nice. Yum yum. Had tons of dim sum and random stuff like sharks fin and egg tarts and roast duck and sashimi. Mmm...sashimii. Love it, but after you eat like 15 slices it starts to taste like cold chewy gum.

Well after that went to church with my sis. My sis was telling me that the more she goes to church, the more she doesn't wanna be a christian, and so she doesn't attend church. So I wuz like why, and she said that the people in church didn't know who they were worshipping, and were just following blindly. I agree with the naivety part (and also to an extent, hypocrisy), but I have a different view with regard to educated nobs like her. I told her I thought she should go to church, just to make sure at least, there is a connection with god (however tenuous). And at any one time if he decides to smite us and give us the touch of teh heavens then we win. Dont go church = lose. So thats my attitude. When in doubt, just keep going just in case. Yeah who knows the pastor may say today god told me he wants to bless some fat lump of shitz stoning in the crowd and his name is peckeh. Then ill o.0 and run up and get smited. Then Ill roll arnd a bit and be a new man. Lol hypothetically, that is.

I think school should resume some level of normalcy this week. This week was slack.

Nothing else. I'm just waiting for Linkin Park's new song What I've Done to be released. I've heard every snippet available. And I think I've heard the chorus about 50 times. Still rocks. LP FTW. I AM ANGSTY LP FANBOI AND YOU CANT STOP ME. SHUDDDUP WHEN IM TALKING TO YUUUUU!
all in all by lifehouse

All in all it's just another day now
You're falling down
What you gonna do
Standing on top of the world tonight
No ones looking back at you