Sunday, April 29, 2007


Hello again. Cant believe weekend is already almost over been another long draining week. Went to church today and there's nothing better then skipping for two weeks and getting pwned on the third. hahahah Oh well. Sermon was on envy which I think I am 100% guilty of so I basically sat there writhing in my chair (and laughing with smoot about random nonsense which was fun heh). Yea I know i should be happy with my lot and what i've got but how yea? Like the pastor says you shouldn't be unhappy about unfairness 'cuz you're unique and designed specially, so I should be grateful. Isn't a little strange to acknowledge that things are unfair and NOT feel anything against it, just sounds a little like denial to me. Oh well I don't understand.

Anyway went to buy random jap stuff with smod which was fun and retarded. The kind of fun thats getting rarer and rarer these days. I've been hearing people say this blog is getting angstier and emoer and less fun to read, well sorry but like peck said, life kinda sucks atm. Apart from a few things/people that make it all worth it in a sense, not much else. Thanks to those people anyway it matters alot to me.

Work! Yay!


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