Saturday, January 09, 2010


So my first time meeting the boss wasn't too bad. He was very nice about everything but his main concern was that I didn't have any accounting experience which is of course justified. That got me really motivated so I bought an introductory accounting book today to get acquainted with all the basics. I'm pretty fired up. Speaking of reality though, hopefully I won't get pwned too badly on monday.

Oh yeah I also went to eat a ramli burger for lunch today with my family. Like everytime I eat very little dinner, around 12 am onwards I start to get these unbelievable hunger pangs that cannnot be satiated by drinking water. And I think about ramli burgers. And I feel even hungrier. Cyclic masochism - it comes and goes. It's like I could kill for one. The one at the Tanjong Pagar railway station was pretty good but my main gripe was that it didn't have BBQ sauce. Everything else was awesome though.

On an unrelated note, I was watching my dad do some x-ray annotations for a jaw operation and I was just asking him some stuff about it. Oral surgeons are usually better known for extracting wisdom teeth or doing implants and stuff (which is all boring) but I think the aspect of my parents' profession that impresses me the most is when they do class 2 or class 3 jaw adjustment surgery. Essentially that means that they align the jaw properly for people that have an over or under-bite. It's a delicate, precise operation which is interspersed with brutality (like when they BREAK the jaw) but the results are damn near life-changing. Like some of their patients look so much better after the op that I'm left in awe sometimes at my parents' skillz. It's like my dad is Pablo Peck Picasso. The gratitude of the patients and their parents is always overwhelming as well. So yeah I do feel respect for my parents sometimes haha.


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