Friday, April 20, 2007

Woo what a looooooooooooooooooooong day. Gp + maths tutorial + econs test kinda sucked, but all that seemed to pass pretty quickly cuz of stupid rap in the afternoon. I guess it turned out pretty alright, hope i didnt screw up too much or induce any sleep wehehee I know i would've slept if it were me listening to me. Anyways it's over, so i guess all that stress and annoyance gave me a pretty little cert and some knowledge that'll come in useful anywhere. Sorry to Jenny for not being able to present 'cuz of the completely rushed things, would have split it more evenly. :( Thanks anyway for the work, especially for the report since that was the important thing anyway, rest was all show and mass bullshit.

Jazz concert was pretty alright imho, thought last years was better but then again I'm no judge. Of course the highlight was piling cher with more flowers than she would ever need in her entire life, wonder what does one do with so many flowers. Like brew them into tea or something hahahah. Or make a skimpy hula dress. Wait actually with so many flowers i think maybe wont be too skimpy. Maybe more like body armour or something whawhah. K I'm going completely off tangent.

Rar I'm tired. Kinda been a whirlwind today, so am zoned out. :P byebye


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