Thursday, April 12, 2007

hello just got back from the econs talk of much obscure knowledge and now feeling pretty tired and zoned in general. hee hee schools pretty screwed up these days got to start picking meself up again. kinda plodding along aimlessly atm, looking forward to the small things that make all of this not so bad after all. haha. got my new norah jones cd (well its my mums birthday present but i ripped it already) so im in a kinda bluesy jazz mood. i <3 her voice and on the other spectrum people with annoying voices REALLY piss me off. call it an unreasonable pet peeve but, oh man I HATE PEOPLE WITH ANNOYING VOICES. k random hahahah. thankfully i dont know meet many of them around. ;p ;p ;p

oh well rap is kinda floating around, but im not going to give a shit like i did the last time, and ill just see how things go and whether anyone else can be bothered or not. w/e

im hungry i want dine rnow


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