Friday, April 27, 2007


Yayay its friday. It's been a tough week. Today was especially tough. Had econz test and gp essay in the morning, both of which were rather hellish. Then lit, math, cip. Well cip at ssvh wasn't bad. One of my tasks was to read out some compres for one coolio blind woman to proof read on the braille printouts. And after that one of the other ladies said I had a damn nice voice. And that it was very manly. Of course I cleared my throat and uttered a sexy masculine "thankew". Well I'll be darned. Never thought I'd be associated with the word "manly", but I must say I wouldn't call myself unworthy of such a title. Xy was like o.0 but who cares for detractors like him! Lalala I got manly voice.

Well in other news, tomorrow is PTM and I asked memum to pop over to RI to pick up my O level hcl cert (haven't collected for a year+). Muahaha I am a devious schemer. If Ali so much as dares to throw a tantrum, my mum will own him because my mum can get rather anal about ppl giving her attitude. Well hope I don't get owned at PTM. Hope klubber teo has mercy on me. And I hope my mum doesn't own the lit teachers for not knowing who I am.

Ah nothing else. Life's getting real screwed up. Haha I think I've been saying that for the past 30 blog posts so I guess its screwed up by now.


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