Sunday, April 01, 2007


Nooooooo my sis is leaving tomorrow. Bah I am s h at tte red :(

Oh well on to other things. Went for buffet lunch at 4 seasons yesterday. Very nice. Yum yum. Had tons of dim sum and random stuff like sharks fin and egg tarts and roast duck and sashimi. Mmm...sashimii. Love it, but after you eat like 15 slices it starts to taste like cold chewy gum.

Well after that went to church with my sis. My sis was telling me that the more she goes to church, the more she doesn't wanna be a christian, and so she doesn't attend church. So I wuz like why, and she said that the people in church didn't know who they were worshipping, and were just following blindly. I agree with the naivety part (and also to an extent, hypocrisy), but I have a different view with regard to educated nobs like her. I told her I thought she should go to church, just to make sure at least, there is a connection with god (however tenuous). And at any one time if he decides to smite us and give us the touch of teh heavens then we win. Dont go church = lose. So thats my attitude. When in doubt, just keep going just in case. Yeah who knows the pastor may say today god told me he wants to bless some fat lump of shitz stoning in the crowd and his name is peckeh. Then ill o.0 and run up and get smited. Then Ill roll arnd a bit and be a new man. Lol hypothetically, that is.

I think school should resume some level of normalcy this week. This week was slack.

Nothing else. I'm just waiting for Linkin Park's new song What I've Done to be released. I've heard every snippet available. And I think I've heard the chorus about 50 times. Still rocks. LP FTW. I AM ANGSTY LP FANBOI AND YOU CANT STOP ME. SHUDDDUP WHEN IM TALKING TO YUUUUU!


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