Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Also check out the subtle nuance of his lyrics
Rape me
Rape me, my friend
Rape me
Rape me again
My friends are so depressed
I feel the question
Of your loneliness
Confide... `cause Ill be on your side
You know I will, you know I will
edit ignore the nekkid man in the video and just listen kinda dumb vid anyway
Well then we went out for dinner. Kwt came along since his parents are freezing their asses off in shanghai. My cousin apparently had promised to treat the whole family to dinner in the event that he got promoted. In fact he got a double promotion this year, so yeah baby we got free dinner. We ended up to this fusion place called Taste Paradise. It's located in Mosque Street and my my I was really impressed by the quality of the food. It was sublime. They had all sorts of interesting gourmet dishes ranging from radish cake to foie gras to lamb to fish to crab bee hoon. One of the best meals I've had this year.

1337 flatfish
Starters + mystical magic teapot with candle below.

One of the most awesome beehoons I have ever tasted in my life. God bless this bee hoon.

Half eaten pork rib. That was good too.

Succulent lamb
Mango icecream with mango puree and passionfruit for dessert. +brownie points for good service because they agreed to exchange the shitty almond pudding for this
Of course all of the above is not cheap, and its probably an annual thing for me. So if its your birthday or sth and you really want something special then go here.
Anyways I turned 17 today. It was a boring day. Woke up ate macs for lunch watched POTC 2 on dvd it was ok. Then played com. Went Marche for dinner. It was pretty decent, though they've moved to somewhere smaller in suntec city. Got some cash from parents and ama. Gosh 17 is a pretty yucky age. The age of impending doom both intellectually(as) and physically(ns), the age of supposed hormonal rage which in my case seems to be a little stunted, the last year before one is expected to grow up. Bah and in my case, the age of increased cynicism. Yeah wadever birthdays are getting boringder and boringder, save for the uber nice smses I have gotten from many ppl.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
oh fuck do you know who -name protected- from rj is?
lip says:
lip says:
who cares
lip says:
girl or guy lol
Jing Song says:
hhahahahahha guy
Jing Song says:
but his girfriend
Jing Song says:
is like guy
lip says:
Jing Song says:
i stumbled upon her blog
Jing Song says:
like what the shit
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I am bored, and bored people do stupid things. Today i take out my boredom on some buried photos that ive been saving. KEeKek.
Anyway haven't blogged for a few days. Lots has happened.
Well firstly my cousins/aunty/uncle came over from malaysia. They're quite nice people, and my 2 cousins like com games so its quite easy to entertain them. Budden that also means my mum's been getting everyone on her side of the family over for reunion dinners nearly everyday. And personally I don't dig it because its slow, you're obliged to make small talk and there are like toddlers running all over the place doing uncool things like trying to get the dogs to lick their bowl of leftover oxtail meat.
Woot! Went to smoots house on 23th. There was lip, smoot, shawnchua, wilson, brenda and 2 other hcjc people. It was quite fun and OH MY MOTHER THE FOOD WAS REALLY GOOD. Like I always thought turkey was a really lousy meat because its dry and chewy. But the turkey was juicy and tender. And of course smoots mums insane spicy fried chicken. And her insane samosas. AND HER BREAD AND BUTTER PUDDING. Its god-like. I can imagine good ol God in heaven going nyam nyam nyam on this bread and butter pudding because it tastes so damn heavenly good. And smoot can you pls tell me whats the brand of the wine you served us because that was awesome too.
Then after that we played games and I got pwnt in this game that was sth like concentration. I did win Bingo but luck counts for nothing if one does not have the skills to coordinate basic movements :/ After that we brought them to smoots haunted house and shawn chua was a wuss and chickened out.
Oh ya! Thanks smoot lip and tanneh for insane hamper of doom. It's gaylord big and chock full of goodness

Budden my cousins are damn screwed up because they saw the names. One of them, called Joshua completely owned me
Josh (peering at hamper card) : Eh your girlfriend is tanneh ah
Me: What the hell? no shes not.
Josh: Ah ya dont lie lah who's this smoot and this lip and this tanneh.
Me: They are just my friends lah -_____-
Josh: Orrhhh I know already your girlfriend is tanneh and she got smooth lips. Hee Hee
Anyway had a traumatic experience yesterday because a cockroach ran across my ankle at crystal jade in holland v. I nearly died. I was freaking paranoid after that. As you know I absolutely abhor cockroaches. They are the definitive creepy crawlie and I was bloody freaked out and scared. Fuck they move so fast with their dirty legs. And its so sick to feel it move on you. AHHHHH Jasdklgshashgl;sdhkl
And btw lip Baileys sucks. The sweet taste is nice but the kick at the back isnt at all. Go and die for recommending me this suckass drink. No one in my family likes it.
And my mums car got hit by a car today :/ at least shes safe.
Monday, December 25, 2006
On the plus side i <3 brandied cherry chocolates from marks and spencer they are the pwn cuz they have a crap ton of brandy inside. i ate like 1 and felt happy for a while. Well nothing much to say cept that i probably wasted most of my holidays and am now trying to salvage whatever is left of it to finish the work and do some revision. sighs. get well soon noob.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
And anyway I have opened up the Marks and Spencer hamper and no crap even by my lofty standards its contents are really impressive. There's 1 box belgium chocolate, 1 box italian chocolate, 2 HUGE boxes of chocolate biscuits, 1 HUGE box of shortbread cookies, 1 box of florentines (some sorta italian cookie), and 1 box of liquor chocolates. So these will definitely stand me in good stead for this christmassy season.
Anyway my sis sent me christmas presents. Trying to be funny sia, gave me 2 pairs of boxer shorts with christmas prints =.= I was like wtf!?!! The first one has red and green stars and the second one has snowmen on it. Cute but impractical :/ Anyway I hear on the tagboard that I am obliged to give christmas presents to people so I'm like screwed big time because I'm a lazy fart and I haven't done anything.

Boxers with stars
Boxers with snowmen
We also bought a beanbag from malaysia. I like it. You can read on it and take hour long naps. Here my mum plays bubble breaker on it.

Just to end off, got 2 videos on the front pg of youtube.
Andy Mckee ownage guitar plx
Sleepy Spudgey. Dog is fugly but undeniably cute.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Peck = antisocial recluse :(
Lemme post up video of a bloody sad song.
Why - Annie Lennox
Hooo yesterday was a pretty crazy day, met up with smud to get all (- her) christmas shopping done. Actually i only have 2-3 people to buy for, but w/e its hard enough wekeke. Went to plaza sing first where i found her present but didnt buy it, will go back to pick it up one day, then to 5000 other places like taka wisma orchard popular to buy her friend greg pencils (roffel) borders to buy her family stuff (including a lolsportsillustrated calender for her brother with about 239468120932 scantily clad babes that almost all look the same. Please dont ever buy me junk like that i will / you. Went to teh ipod shop to *try* and get her dad some recording device so he can have his business chanting and words of wisdom recorded so other suckers can attempt to pry godlike money making tipz from the stuff hes saying (if listening to her dads wurds can allow me to afford 1/2 the house she lives in, HELLLLLLLLL YEAAAAAA.)
So after awhile i got hungry and i whined incessently to be fed until she obliged and found us a cheena place to eat at, and the crazy waitresses didnt know english, and i forgot what was change in chinese. So i was like "change pls" and was met with blank stare and clarification "toothpick?". Lose.
THEN. See, there is stupid, downright idiotic, and going to ikea on a sunday week before christmas in the rain with a pink umbrella big enough for a small puppy. I got my sorry ass lugged around through 2 floors (there were 4, x2 buildings if you count courts) of furniture and home decor so we could pick up chuas pres (i was also lugging the shopping about -____-). So she found a cool floor lamp thing that weighed half a ton, got that, decided to be nice to her mum and offer to buy tissue, GOT THAT AND THAT WEIGHED HALF A TON AS WELL. ZzZzzzzz.
So after all that stupidity and fun went to uncles house to sleep and watch house of flying daggers1111 where zhangziyi repeatedly kicks major ass with her leet kungfu and cannot fight off over nine thousand rape attempts. -_- slut.
Wewt so anyway that was a great way to end the week, since my week was boring as hell. And i got my shopping done. woo. wait i havent replaced my torn wallet yet so not done. oh well another day maybe.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Yeah so I went to malaysia. It was 3.5 days of ultimate degeneration. Watched tv, played com, played jim rummy, bowled, played pool, ateassoff, talkshit with cousins, boughtdvds. I have to say i really suck at bowling and pool. Can't aim anyhow.
And I shit you not I bought a LOAD of dvds. An eclectic collection to say the least. From mainstream fare like Jackass 2 to more highly acclaimed stuff like The Queen to more cult-following material like Fight Club and Ong Bak. But I was disappointed that I couldnt get hold of Borat, The Prestige and the Illusionist. The guy was decent enough to say those were filmed-in-cinema copies. So too bad. But it's ok. I'm pleased with my haul. My cousins are coming down this sat so like my uncle told me he'd source for them in the meantime.
I also got 3 computer games. First up Topspin 2 for PC, which has been nothing but disappointing because you need to use the mouse to move the player, and that makes it incredibly hard to aim shots and move at the same time. The other games I got are Company of Heroes which doesnt work (evil game seller conned me) and Pro Evolution Soccer 6.
And I have to show you pictures of the most sinful prata in the whole bloody world. ROTI BOMB ftw please. Its prata with like a kg of butter and sugar. Makes it crunchy and sweet and everything nice.

And while we're still in the chrismassy spirit of giving, my mum and dad's former students gave us a HUGE MARKS AND SPENCER HAMPER. OMGOMOGMGOMOGMOGMOGMOGM AWESOMEOMEEMOSMOEMOSMEOSMO. WOOOOOO. And then my dads department gave him like FIVE POCKY. AND HE GOT CAKE TOO.

Monday, December 18, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
whiteRose -- in love You came; says:
i say you're a noob
o0lollolippo / sometimes i feel like my only friend, is says:
i am crushed
whiteRose -- in love You came; says:
its ok you'll get over it
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Well today was an eventful day. I went over to lip's house to check out how he plays WoW, which was quite interesting, though it became mega-degen late on. MMORPGs are really fascinating btw. Being a fan of instant gratification (like rambo style games), the ability of the game designers to continually tempt, challenge and rope in players over vast periods of time always impresses me.
Anyways the taxi driver from yio chu kang mrt was powerful. I showed him the map in his street directory, and he was like 'hmmph, hohumhmmph', then he started driving confidently. Then after that he was like "umm I'll take a shortcut". I was like woah ok man. So he was cutting through the polytechnic, and I was like 'oh cool'. Then after that he started driving at hyper speed and I was screamin in my head 'WOAH WOO DANG THAT'S FAST'. Then the last straw was when HE TOOK OFF HIS SEATBELT and continued to drive. And that was when I safely concluded that dis dude has balls.
WoW is a cool game. For the first 1.5 hours I was really interested because I was just learning about the basics and watching super WoW videos were really cool, but after that killing mob monsters got boring and only boss battles were really interesting. So we were degening, watching cool RHCP youtube videos. According to Lip players in the best guild (clan) in the world need to play 14 hours a day. I was commenting that when they're 80 years old they'll look back and reflect on how they wasted 10 years on their life on a single computer game. Doh.
Well I've been having a mild migraine in my left temple over the past few days. Caused quite a bit of discomfort, because it feels like someone is knocking a small mallet against your skull. Well my wildest imagination also opened the possibility of there being a brain-eating worm in my skull and that's kinda scary as well. Like it's already eaten up my left brain, which is why I suck at math. Haha I hope I'm not a literal half-wit
I've always been hooked onto the concept of gate control theory, where if you stimulate a more sensitive nerve, it will override the feeling in another. This is precisely the way acupunture works in taking away pain by stimulating nerve points. More extreme examples include sadomasochist Bob Flanagan, who tortured himself to relieve himself of the pain of cystic fibrosis. So I was like wtf man let's try it on this shitty migraine. So I was periodically knuckle-rapping my forehead to take away the throb. It actually works, though it could also be because I'm momentarily dislodging my brain everytime I knock my head. Anyway my problem was solved today by taking 2 panadols, which is a easier but wholly uninteresting prospect.
In other sad news, shawn yap has decided to move school from RI. Damn we lost another brilliant teacher. One of the best teachers I ever had and knew, despite the fact that she didnt teach me in those ever significant sec 3 and 4 years (when everyone's character started to blossom). Instead I was sacrificed to her counterpart. She truly understood how to communicate with the students, she brought herself down to our level, and she's the one that knew all the shit that went around the GEP. And she was really kind in letting me and weiquanz sit in for her 1337 remedials where our noobiness saturated the classroom. One teacher I'll always remember. One of the rare ones that transcended academics.
My dopod is back btw. After the debacle where Sian owned it, my mum had it sent to the shop and now it's as good as new! Dopod ftw though I have lost all my contacts. In other news, Lip convinced me to buy Bailey's Irish Liquor because of its distinctive, indescribable taste. To simplify his analogy, just like "an apple tastes like an apple, so Baileys just tastes like Baileys". When i first saw the price i was like WTF and when I showed my mum the price she was like o.O ...........-________________- . So now I can only try it at christmas when my cousins come down. Lip if it doesnt taste good I'm soo gonna no-shadow kick you and jab your eyes.
Going to malaysia tomorrow. Lip has to assume blogging duties for like 5 days. Cheers. Will have photos and dvds when I come back.
Bah my parents are owning the socks off our insurance agent over some fked up insurance thing we were like conned into buying. Although lambasting the organization and threatening to complain to the CEO gets you places, I never thought it was the best nor the most amicable way to find a solution.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
And this one is Matt Damon pwning his friend Matthew Mcconaughey aka one of the sexiest men alive on late night show with letterman.
Bah got headache
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Hey. So this morn while my mum was fetching me to the gym, she started angsting about the removal of healthcare subsidies for foreign workers. It's an apt example, imo of how macro-policy, however practical can be rather brutal to the groups of people afflicted by it. Foreign workers, btw consist of yur maids, and mostly the construction workers building your buildings.
Recently the government's been announcing the reduction of healthcare subsidies of PRs and foreign workers because Singaporeans have been complaining that it's unfair that these pockets of people should get the same rates as them (they currently do). So heyho the government says we gonna reduce subsidies for PRs by 10% over 2 years and foreign workers completely by Oct 07. Instead for foreign workers they gonna recommend employers to buy em insurance!
Now my mum, who is a dentist at one of dem national healthcentres, said that the government has actually already fully removed the healthcare subsidies for foreign workers for any kind of treatment at specialist outclinics (aka national healthcentres) and polyclinics alike. That has not been reported in the news or media. Now is only Dec 06, no big insurance scheme is in place, and the foreign workers have already been hit.
Keeping in mind that foreign workers pretty much earn some of the lowest incomes in Singapore, and are probably susceptible to the most injuries (since most are in construction business), I can totally see where my mum's criticism is coming from. They are the one that need the subsidies the most! Moreover, for this kind of employment, how much do insurance do you think employers would be willing to pay? Jackshit duh. At the moment those that are already insured are insured for 5-10k max. Its like if you get one serious injury that's one hit KO over the limit.
To add a perspective from the ground, most of my mum's patients that are foreign workers have an abscess. The conditions at construction sites suck, they get infections. They don't know how to take care of wounds, it gets infected, and large amounts of pus collect. And they get this like 213473290429039 times in their careers. You take away their subsidies and that means they can't afford to drain their abscesses which is seriously gross and bloody disgusting.
And sometimes it just gets sad. My mum had a Myanmar dude who had contracted jaw cancer. Without the subsidies and with shitty insurance, he just couldn't afford the treatment. Even at the most basic treatment and operating plans, he just couldn't afford it. Basically to remove half of your jaw and create a denture for it is rather expensive. On the day he was scheduled to meet up with my mum again, he never showed up. And his boss said he'd probably have to let him go.
So there you go. Construction worker life = fucked, construction worker get injury = cb fucked, and construction worker get injury without subsidies = still cb fucked because he can't afford it. So government wants to save 30 million buckaroos for the country or screw up poor non-citizen lives even more, that is the question.
Monday, December 11, 2006
I went for Interact CIP in the morning to help out with the old folk programme at Toa Payoh Blk 170. I was a human jackpot saikang (aka the dude who acts as the random jackpot thingy that ends up striking 1 of 3 poses), suffering eternal shame. Other than that the interaction was frankly a little dry. Spending time with old folks is always a two-way thing, and if the old folksies aren't proactive and start spinnin their life tales or askin questions, the convo goes no where. That's exactly what happened today because the old man xy and I were trying to converse with was old in body and most definitely unyoung at heart. Dowan to dance, dowan to sing, dowan to smile, dowan to be flattered o.0! For example, when I told him he looked super healthy for 83 (it was true!), he was like bu shi bu shi (I am not) and not in a sheepish-happy sort of way but a rather blunt, zen-like rejection of my compliment. Much of the convo was in this realist vein, with lots of one-sentence answers. Of course I recognize that some old folk are a little jaded, and I'm also not sayin old people should be crazy and like go zorbing at 90 or something, but at least be a little optimistic right!
Anyway after that had some fun when kwt kindly went to sim lim with me to buy some computer parts to upgrade my com a little. Nothing much, new mousepad, more ram, new fan. And he also fixed up a lot of the niggling errors that keep happening on my com, which I really appreciate. After that we played F.E.A.R with very little lag which was awesome. TQ KWT!
Now if you donno who kwt is his name is TAN KANG WEI and he's in fencing and guitar and av and I got to know him in sec 2. He sat next to me in class and we always copied each other's work and talked crap with tiong and xianbin. He's real good at computers and he's always rigged up cool stuff for my com. Yeah just tellin you in case you think he's some imaginary friend I created.

Kwt fixes ram. Looks like a perv here.

Kwt plays F.E.A.R
And these are just some photos for my sis, since she's incessantly hounding me for photos of pete teh dog. Real sorry he really wasn't in his prime tonight when I took em. Papa brought home massive bones for them from lunch potluck, and well....hell broke loose

Saturday, December 09, 2006
Anyway having working parents and an aging grandmother, there have been quite a few maids in the family, usually 2 at any period because me ama needs a lot of help getting around. And I can single out a few of them that were total bitches. I swear I'm not exaggerating. In fact I could call them worse and still be speaking the truth.
There was one called Silva. I had her when I was really young, around k1, k2, p1 p2 I think. Those were pwwnage days. My cheebye goodness, she used to twack and slap me real hard (on my face especially frequently!) whenever I didn't do something right or didnt do something SHE wanted...which is like 5907073827423 times a day. Hotdamn I was mangled lolol.
Of course I didn't know better then and I was a rather quiet, demure angel so after she twacked me I was still damn ladida and guai, didn't tell on her. Well after that she had some serious beef with my mom and they had a cussin match in the living room. Later on when I told memum about teh hitting my mum nearly imploded. What a she-monster that Silva was. She's like the only maid I would have NO HESITATION in STABBING if I ever ever meet her again. TRY ME BIATCH ILL IMPALE YOU!
Well the other example of maid-evilness comes in the form of Lucy. Lucy was with my family around my secondary school years. So you see we decided to renovate my current house (near holland rd) back then and so we made the decision to stay in the terrace house at Coronation Rd West for about 2 years. Thats near the twinnies and near els (though I didn't know until like this year).
So at first we had to send the maids to the coronation rd terrace house to clean it up because essentially it was a shitehole. Turns out that when it was sleazy lucy's turn she ended up fornicating with her boyfriend in the master-bedroom. It also turns out that she had a few foreign worker boyfriends as well, so that's kinda whorish. Got herself pregnant, lied to me mum and quit before my mum could find out and kick her ass. When she left she stole a ton of clothes and stuff. Only after that did story get patched together, through talkative maid networks, her noob boyfriend calling the house, her new employer calling etc. Needless to say my mum was livid.
Haha. I am so bitchy today.
Anyways went to play badminton with sianyaokwt today. Me and kwt were off-form but we still kick twinnie butts. Lots of cool insane shots were played, and we suanned each other the whole time. Funny. But Sian catalysed the demise of my already smashed up dopod by dropping it on the floor, and thus we will bring it to the shop on monday.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Went to the gym today. Improved on my 2.4 timing again! Though I know that doing 2.4 on a treadmill in a gym is vastly different from the conditions on the track. I think they should let people do their 2.4 on treadmills, because it really forces you on.
Anyway there's a really nice cleaner uncle over at the club who always talks to me and says hi. He's really cool and easy to get along with. Well today he asked me to read and explain to him this income statement thingy about his supposed 'pay increment', which turned out to be nothing but a 4 dollar decrement over his usual actually. Basically the club just revised its technicalities in including incentives in the complete pay package instead of paying separately. So a little letoff there. Incentive = If club makes more, workers get bonus. Today's juice was also horribly bitter.
And I did 1/4 of vector tutorial last night, and another 1/4 during tuition today. Vectors are a real tough bitch man. Keep away from them if you can. Tedious and confounding, essentially useless unless you like messing around the third dimension.
The man came over from starhub to fix up the new starhub blackbox. I have to say I don't fancy it. While there is a guide, now there is a lagtime that comes partly from the box (the other part is from the tv), plus there is no channel display on the machine itself. So my impulsive channel surfing has pretty much slowed to an impatient crawl. Which displeases me of course.
A new 300 trailer has come out btw. I insist everyone watches it.;_ylt=AkkukR0gHt_fIE9AHnn1.wNfVXcA
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Hello. Today during lunch watched 2/3 of I Not Stupid II. I thought it was ok only. Some parts of the plot are taken too far to the point of being unrealistic, as if to milk some more sympathy out of the viewer, and Murphy's Law hits the main characters and their families too hard for my liking. The emotional scenes are unexpectedly interspersed with black humour as well, kinda leaving me in indecision what's its exact intention. Ending was like happy as can be as well :) . Preferred the first movie.
Anyway I had a rather funny msn convo with someone last night. I was trying to ask teh twinz Sian and Yao to play badminton on saturday with kwt and I, and the ignoramus Sian was gaming his ass off and daoing me. As you will see below, this kind of humour is typical of RIGEP gamerdudes. We are rather good at frustrating each other :) .Lip has a similar style, though his is slightly less exaggerated, contains less self-deprecation, more all-out suanning and zero empathy.
The following transpired over half an hour:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
badminton saturday can?
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
SIAN says:
SIAN says:
SIAN says:
SIAN says:
with kw ah
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
at clementi
SIAN says:
SIAN says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
coz theres like the only place left
SIAN says:
SIAN says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
SIAN says:
ok man don't get so uptight
SIAN says:
: D
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
alright! we are set!
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
1-3 pm can?
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
omg hold on lemme ehck
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
12-2 can?
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
SIAN says:
SIAN says:
SIAN says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:
wth why stupid inter play second string side against bayern says:



DAMN HES SCARY. Actually he's called the Pale Man. And he got unglam black fingerclaws

Just for trivia's sake, the fawn and the pale man are played by the same actor. woot
Pan's Labyrinth is directed and produced by pretty much the 2 best spanish directors, in Guillermo Del Toro and Alfonso Cuaron. It's entirely in spanish btw. So far rottentomatoes has given it a full 100% with a sublime score of 8.4/10 on average. It's also Spain's entry for the Oscars.
Anyway I'll just rip the plot synopsis off from wikipedia.
In a post-Civil War northern Spain in 1944, a 12-year-old girl, Ofelia, moves with her heavily-pregnant mother and stepfather into a new home in the countryside. Her stepfather, Captain Vidal has been posted to this remote area to rid it of a small Republican militia. Disliked by the sadistic Vidal, Ofelia, who revels in ancient stories and fairy tales, discovers an immense and ancient labyrinth guarded by a Faun. He tells her she is the long-lost daughter of the king of a magical land, and to regain entry to her kingdom she must carry out three tasks. So Ofelia enters a strange and no less dangerous world of fairies and extraordinary creatures such as the terrifying Pale Man.
And Flags from Iwo Jima has just won the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures Best Picture Award. Which is a big award. I hope to see it as well.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Well I stayed up to watch the champs league match between FC Barcelona and Werder Bremen and I have to say Barca's first half performance was sheer class. I cannot believe they are still so good without Samuel Etoo and Lionel Messi. Ronaldinho = Genius. Period. Fell asleep sometime in the second half.
Anyway my other aim was to watch Inter-Bayern highlights. Inter managed to grab a draw at the death, which was a rather credible result considering half the first team was rested, zlatan was the lone striker, and it was at the Allianz Arena in Munich. Rather sore that the team lost their 11 match winning streak. Oh well finishing second isn't that bad. I'd rather face chelsea than barca.
Had a decent math tuition at 11. And in the evening the guys came to fix up the new TV! Now you may be asking exactly what's wrong with my old tv, since I can still watch matches on it. Well the colour is really screwed up. This red coloured static keeps buzzing incessantly all around the screen, outlining every single thing. I have to turn the colour of my tv to a near black and white shade just to watch stuff. Rather drab imo.
So the new TV is like a flat-screen plasma that can have high-def. Its cool. We're gonna change the SCV blackbox because we are still using the ancient one from 5 years ago and its messing up the TV quality a little and causing unecessary lag.



Ah anyway I'll be going to Malaysia from the 15th to 18th Dec and then my Malaysian relatives are coming down from the 23th to 27th or sth.
Anyway cher tells me her brother has gotten Tom Yum Goong PC game. Hi cher if you read this pls tell your brother to burn in on a cd for me so I can participate in bone-breaking action as well.
Went to teh national library yesterday afternoon for h3 leesearch. Am pretty happy cuz ive got 4 books and about 50 more photocopied pages from the LEEKONGCHIANREFERENCELIBRARY111 hahaha copyright laws 10 pages can go stuffit. I wonder when i'll actually sit down and read them. And i have to hop by the stupid repository used book collection (aka book graveyard) to pick up soem tomes of knowledge that were decommissioned. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Kek on a random note mum+sis+I went to it lotiplata last night at jalankayu. We waited 50 freaking minutes for the lazy dude to give us our stuff, and finished it in 5. Damn unhealthy but i'll never do that again for at least half a year so whatever. Sis can now drive pretty ok, she didnt crash and burn like i thought she would, oh well.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Well I'm a little tired. Went to the gym in the morning, ran a commendable 2.4 timing (like best in 2 years !!!!). After that I went for a swim in the pool, and for like the umpteenth time I went into the pool with my specs on -_-. So there I was, bobbing around like some noob, looking really unflattering.
Anyway while I was swimming I noticed a water aerobics class at the side. I somehow found it....redundant. I mean if you are talking about physiotherapy its perfectly understandable. But these are like tubby tai tais twirling around in the water to tribal dance music, and honestly it looks a little unproductive. You certainly can trick yourself into thinking its exercise, but truth is its just the water moving you along. In the end you burn like.... 000.0005 calories? And look just as unfit as you were an hour ago. Duno maybe it has placebo effect.
Anyway enough of random gripes with the world. I was enjoying meself at the clubhouse, sippin my juice. Just chillin.

Carrot and Orange Juice ftw plx

If you look closely you can see the aerobics instructor dude who earns hundreds for nothing. I could be a water aerobics instructor
Anyway on to the serious stuff. I GOT STUNG BY A BEE! I was taking a leisurely walk home lalala when some buzzing thing landed on me head. I was like WTF gedoff you shit and then this bee went to sting my finger. Stupid crapper. I don't eat yur honey I dont eff with your flowers and still you own me.
Well to put it humorously, bee stings....sting (HA!). But to be honest it only hurt a bit. Maybe the poison was neutralized by a layer of fat or sth, or it was an adolescent bee. Totally uneconomical. If it hadnt stung me I wouldnt be poisoned and it wouldn't have died and there'd be a pareto improvement.
Pictures aren't that good because my camera can't take close ups.

Can see the sting there

Lousy closeup

Small but potent
Anyway after all that commotion I went to Holland V to eat lunch with cher. Yes I found out her life is currently quite boring, and that she is an even cleaner freak than me. She doesn't swim coz shes scared of sharing the same water as other people. Nubbie nubcaeke sia! And I found out her brother is turning into a taekwondo monster who throws tables at people. And that he digs classy movies like TOM YUM GOONG. And she also gave me chocolate ^^. Will eat during match later and update on whether it tastes nice or not. Oh well it's nice to catch up with friends during the hols.
Oh well TV got delayed, will update tomorrow.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Went to gym in the morn. Did an unusually comfortable 2.5 km on the treadmill. Perhaps its because I was blasting angst-rock songs at near full volume on my Ipod, and teh rage was spurring me on. I remember I was playing Papa Roach's Last Resort (the one where the dude tells you to CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES, DIS IS MY LAST RESORRTTTT) and Linkin Park songs with lots of screaming.
After that I went to walk around Borders. I notice they have a 3 for 2 offer for certain books, including Norwegian Wood, Cell by Stephen King, Zadie Smith's On Beauty, and some Anne Rice Jesus novel (I thought she wrote bout vampires sia, strange diversion). But of course being the non-avid reader that I am, I was not interested. I was keener on Neil Gaiman's Fragile Things, because its coolio short stories and the font is big. Minor as it is, I totally favour big font books because my eyes don't lose track of the words. Haha hows that for anal.
Anyways I've been eying that book for sometime, and also realised that they had lowered the price from 30+ dollars to 23 bucks. So yeah I might buy that tomorrow. I'm probably antitcipating the major book stores to have Christmas blitz sales, so we'll see.
After that I went to Sembawang, and I noticed that they have the new 'Singapore Edition' which takes away the songbook and then lowers the price significantly. Yeah its a good idea, because people like me dont care for songbooks. So basically Scissors Sisters Ta Dah! and Snow Patrol's Eyes Open Singaporean editions were available for $11.90 each, which is a pretty good buy. Got them both.
Well Scissors Sisters so far has not impressed, save for 2 songs. In fact when they utilise their sharp staccato falsettos (and the lyrics are indistinguishible to the human ear, mind you) with an uncatchy melody, its rather irritating. And so far none of the songs match up to some of the awesome jiggly wiggly songs on their first album like Filthy/Gorgeous. Snow Patrol I haven't had a good listen to yet.
Well, also cut my hair today. The dude cutting my hair had PMS, ended up giving me a pretty shitty haircut. So yeahhh....I don't look so good right now. I actually look pretty dorky as well. Oh well shit happens.
In the afternoon had to cash a cheque for me mum at Holland V. She's ultra lazy. Anyway I bet the security guard was wondering what a fat dork was doing with a wad of cash. He was totally giving me shifty glances.
New TV coming tomorrow. More updates then. Sry no pictures today.
But videos I always can recommend in abundance!
First one: Indian train. Scary
Next one: Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington ad for Aids Motorola phone. I am a huge huge fan of Linkin Park actually, superficial as their lyrics might be. Yeah I thought this was cool
New Linkin Park instrumental - its nice.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Well the pictures of klubber lip actually came with more vivid descriptions. However in an intense msn convo, lip branded them as "demeaning", "unfunny", and burst-fired unsavoury diatribes at the harbinger of truth that is me. Hence, I graciously removed them because I'm just the gentleman I am :)
Anyway unknown to me, over the past few days the maids have been angsting about some bird koping fish from our pond. So I was rather surprised when they caught and showed it to me today. Well you must be asking: how the heck did they catch a bird??? Like birds can fly real fast man. Well my 1337 hunter maids move even faster than birds and their stealth lightning speed blows me away all the time. Like sometimes when I ask them for a glass of water BOOM one second later theres a glass of water in fronta me. Hot damn I say.
So I was like lemme see plx. And lo and behold its some coolio blue colour bird. At first I thought it was a kingfisher, since it eats fish and is blue. But apparently its just a random bluebird.


Eddie looks at bird

Eddie looks at bird again.
Well. The dogs werent interested in eating it. They were more like checking it out. Like sniffing it. My dogs are pretty sissy anyways. They're scared of cats.
Well I actually thought the maids were gonna kill the bird, but turns out my dad drove them to botanic gardens to let it out. But if it comes back my dad was like "We gonna have to make a sacrifice" and my mum was like "We'll roast it and eat it". Doh.
Anyway today was slack day. Slept a lot, then went to buy new TV. My only gripe with plasma tvs, absurd as it sounds is that it makes certain stuff look too real. It looks like you are standing there filming the thing, and somehow it takes away a bit of the gloss. Ok weird but just my opinion.
Then after that went to alter moms pants, try to alter my jacket, and then went out for dinner. Wanted to go and eat dim sum but the thing was on the second storey and there wasn't a lift so my ama couldnt go up. So ended up going to the club.
As most of you already know THIMUN is over, and since peck has already posted some of the funny bits that happened Ill post some stuff that happened too.
So the first day was pretty funny, cuz I heard ms ng say something about not needing jackets (girls, but i didnt hear that part) so i came without one. And i was like WTF EVERYONES IN JACKETS DOOM PECK LEMME URS. So peck graciously lent me his oversized jacket so i could make my stupid speech. Hey on the plus side the delegate from guinea sent me a pretty funny note after my speech cuz i acknowledged that everyone was bored and no one really wanted to listen. Crazy alpha biatch from the INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BEIJING basically did the whole reso thing herself, editted it, merged everything and got it approved. That crazy woman will go far.
Next two days were pretty normal, usual debates going on, people saying stupid things, me falling asleep at boring resolutions (who the HELL cares about 10 stories the world should know more about?). Met a few funny noobs, esp the delegate of namibia, who stood up during time FOR the reso to speak against, and the chair was like, um we are still in time FOR the reso. He was like, oops, i shall sit down. Hahaha. Zoo+dance came along, and i guess pecks entry is more interesting then mine. I had trouble respecting the chairs after seeing them grind each other, so heh. That pic is horribly unflattering. But W/E i shall be sporting. Also, i shall not be a gaylord and post a nice pic instead. Thats all of us :)
Well, so the last day, GA plenary happened. Basically we sit in our delegations and vote on one reso from each issue. Was pretty boring till the last one, when eveyrone was screaming to get themselves recognised by the chair. And screaming points of order to the chair. And poitns of info. And generally screaming and laughing and clapping inappropriately till the chairs got so exasperated they suspended note passing for most the entire thing. I pwned the US dood at the end which was pretty funny, cuz he stood up and started screaming for an apology and the chair told him that was out of order. Heh. Noob
Anyway im more or less done, details arent too interesting, except perhaps jingsong dancing and wang drinking beer (hahahahaha) and terrence getting a koala soft toy from a auzzie delegate. Wewt.
So after all that shit and stress and stuff happening at home, went with tanneh to meet mumble the pengiun (sigh) at swensens. Lol. So here is mumble. Anda noob.
And cuz i was sporting, here goes
Hahah hamumble
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Helllllo people THIMUN is over.
Well I gotta be honest, I'm rather reluctant to participate in MUNs anymore. First time is always good for experience, but to be frank I suck at it really bad. I think over things too slowly. Maybe because I wasn't prepared enough.
And I find the bureaucracy and technicality of it kinda boring. I don't mind listening in for like two hours, but 7 hours of this? Maybe not. And noobie delegates like me feel ultra scared of participating when there are dominators from beijing and shanghai international school. Lip would probably feel differently,though, since he's a floor whore ^^
Anyway it was a pretty decent experience. Did learn a lot about it. Also learnt that UN can be damn anal and nitpicky.
And last night was the dinner and dance at the Zoo! Pretty badass. Lip and I were trying to spot the most ostensibly slutty girl, and some did come close to a degrading OMFG rating. Food was good, queues were super-long. Waffles and Ice-cream FTW plx!
Oh yeah I almost walked into the girls toilet. Because the toilet is tribal decor so like from the outside it looks like another pathway. So I accidentally took one step into the girls toilet and the girl was 'omg you are in teh girls toilet' and I was like 'OH SHIT SORRY SORRY SRYSRYSRY'. Embarrassing.
And for the first time I went onto a dance floor! Hmm I have to say I really don't like it. It's kinda gross. Again, being the pseudo-clean freak that I am, the smell of rotting sweat rebounding off bodies just completely puts me off. I really mean it when I say its fucking smelly. Some of these delegates clearly did not have the consideration to bathe before coming.
Anyway, maybe its because Im still hormonally sterile, but I just don't get high from seeing clumps of bodies grinding on the dance floor. It looked...well....wet, squishy and retarded. How do you go crazy like that even when you are not intoxicated?!?!?! Oh well if you have completely differing ideas from me, feel free to discount my opinions. After all, I reiterate that my primal animal lies undiscovered.
Yet, that night was a night of reckoning. As ANG WEI LIP experienced REBIRTH ON TEH DANCE FLOOR. From the angstymuggeractcooldelegate that everyone knows, I announce that this boy is in teh BIG LEAGUE NOW!
So like duh we entered. Then like to our amazement suddenly LIPPO WANTS TO KLUB! He must be sensing teh hot vibe

And so....lip enters the fray as a green noob.
Ungroovy, stiff as a nail. Urgh uncool.

Anyway, away from the action Aditi so got a toe cramp on the dancefloor. But it wasn't from dancing. It was just...a random toe cramp. Boooooo Aditi!
Anyway today was plenary, which means like the delegates weren't separated into committees, and everyone just slacked in the auditorium while resos were discussed. Lip manhandled the US delegate btw. Wicked sick sia. Lip's like bragging his ass off so indulge him at your own discretion. Well, the delegates got real rowdy later on and the directors were losing control at the later stages. It all ended with the president of the Assembly flaunting his piano-playing skills with a jazz number that blew the audience away and boosted his ego by like 1983902108 times. I personally cannot believe he is so imba as to be a MUN overlord and a jazz god concurrently.
Ah it wouldnt be fair to lip if I owned him and not myself. I look pretty gaylord in this photo

Anyways my TV has gone wonky, so me parents gonna buy a new one. Since our TV's are supposed to last like 5, 6 years each at least, obviously we need to buy a nice flat-screen to last that long. But thats bloody pricey! My parents are very tolerant of buying small things, but when it comes to lub-big expensive ones they can discuss for days and days. Somemore they are donating a load of money to church building fund so like that makes matters even tighter and more anal.
Full wrapup to come later. Include pix of lippo looking like druggie