Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Yeah so I went to malaysia. It was 3.5 days of ultimate degeneration. Watched tv, played com, played jim rummy, bowled, played pool, ateassoff, talkshit with cousins, boughtdvds. I have to say i really suck at bowling and pool. Can't aim anyhow.

And I shit you not I bought a LOAD of dvds. An eclectic collection to say the least. From mainstream fare like Jackass 2 to more highly acclaimed stuff like The Queen to more cult-following material like Fight Club and Ong Bak. But I was disappointed that I couldnt get hold of Borat, The Prestige and the Illusionist. The guy was decent enough to say those were filmed-in-cinema copies. So too bad. But it's ok. I'm pleased with my haul. My cousins are coming down this sat so like my uncle told me he'd source for them in the meantime.

I also got 3 computer games. First up Topspin 2 for PC, which has been nothing but disappointing because you need to use the mouse to move the player, and that makes it incredibly hard to aim shots and move at the same time. The other games I got are Company of Heroes which doesnt work (evil game seller conned me) and Pro Evolution Soccer 6.

And I have to show you pictures of the most sinful prata in the whole bloody world. ROTI BOMB ftw please. Its prata with like a kg of butter and sugar. Makes it crunchy and sweet and everything nice.

And while we're still in the chrismassy spirit of giving, my mum and dad's former students gave us a HUGE MARKS AND SPENCER HAMPER. OMGOMOGMGOMOGMOGMOGMOGM AWESOMEOMEEMOSMOEMOSMEOSMO. WOOOOOO. And then my dads department gave him like FIVE POCKY. AND HE GOT CAKE TOO.


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