Sunday, December 03, 2006


Well the pictures of klubber lip actually came with more vivid descriptions. However in an intense msn convo, lip branded them as "demeaning", "unfunny", and burst-fired unsavoury diatribes at the harbinger of truth that is me. Hence, I graciously removed them because I'm just the gentleman I am :)

Anyway unknown to me, over the past few days the maids have been angsting about some bird koping fish from our pond. So I was rather surprised when they caught and showed it to me today. Well you must be asking: how the heck did they catch a bird??? Like birds can fly real fast man. Well my 1337 hunter maids move even faster than birds and their stealth lightning speed blows me away all the time. Like sometimes when I ask them for a glass of water BOOM one second later theres a glass of water in fronta me. Hot damn I say.

So I was like lemme see plx. And lo and behold its some coolio blue colour bird. At first I thought it was a kingfisher, since it eats fish and is blue. But apparently its just a random bluebird.


Eddie looks at bird

Eddie looks at bird again.

Well. The dogs werent interested in eating it. They were more like checking it out. Like sniffing it. My dogs are pretty sissy anyways. They're scared of cats.

Well I actually thought the maids were gonna kill the bird, but turns out my dad drove them to botanic gardens to let it out. But if it comes back my dad was like "We gonna have to make a sacrifice" and my mum was like "We'll roast it and eat it". Doh.

Anyway today was slack day. Slept a lot, then went to buy new TV. My only gripe with plasma tvs, absurd as it sounds is that it makes certain stuff look too real. It looks like you are standing there filming the thing, and somehow it takes away a bit of the gloss. Ok weird but just my opinion.

Then after that went to alter moms pants, try to alter my jacket, and then went out for dinner. Wanted to go and eat dim sum but the thing was on the second storey and there wasn't a lift so my ama couldnt go up. So ended up going to the club.


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