Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Hooo yesterday was a pretty crazy day, met up with smud to get all (- her) christmas shopping done. Actually i only have 2-3 people to buy for, but w/e its hard enough wekeke. Went to plaza sing first where i found her present but didnt buy it, will go back to pick it up one day, then to 5000 other places like taka wisma orchard popular to buy her friend greg pencils (roffel) borders to buy her family stuff (including a lolsportsillustrated calender for her brother with about 239468120932 scantily clad babes that almost all look the same. Please dont ever buy me junk like that i will / you. Went to teh ipod shop to *try* and get her dad some recording device so he can have his business chanting and words of wisdom recorded so other suckers can attempt to pry godlike money making tipz from the stuff hes saying (if listening to her dads wurds can allow me to afford 1/2 the house she lives in, HELLLLLLLLL YEAAAAAA.)

So after awhile i got hungry and i whined incessently to be fed until she obliged and found us a cheena place to eat at, and the crazy waitresses didnt know english, and i forgot what was change in chinese. So i was like "change pls" and was met with blank stare and clarification "toothpick?". Lose.

THEN. See, there is stupid, downright idiotic, and going to ikea on a sunday week before christmas in the rain with a pink umbrella big enough for a small puppy. I got my sorry ass lugged around through 2 floors (there were 4, x2 buildings if you count courts) of furniture and home decor so we could pick up chuas pres (i was also lugging the shopping about -____-). So she found a cool floor lamp thing that weighed half a ton, got that, decided to be nice to her mum and offer to buy tissue, GOT THAT AND THAT WEIGHED HALF A TON AS WELL. ZzZzzzzz.

So after all that stupidity and fun went to uncles house to sleep and watch house of flying daggers1111 where zhangziyi repeatedly kicks major ass with her leet kungfu and cannot fight off over nine thousand rape attempts. -_- slut.

Wewt so anyway that was a great way to end the week, since my week was boring as hell. And i got my shopping done. woo. wait i havent replaced my torn wallet yet so not done. oh well another day maybe.


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