Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Anyway haven't blogged for a few days. Lots has happened.

Well firstly my cousins/aunty/uncle came over from malaysia. They're quite nice people, and my 2 cousins like com games so its quite easy to entertain them. Budden that also means my mum's been getting everyone on her side of the family over for reunion dinners nearly everyday. And personally I don't dig it because its slow, you're obliged to make small talk and there are like toddlers running all over the place doing uncool things like trying to get the dogs to lick their bowl of leftover oxtail meat.

Woot! Went to smoots house on 23th. There was lip, smoot, shawnchua, wilson, brenda and 2 other hcjc people. It was quite fun and OH MY MOTHER THE FOOD WAS REALLY GOOD. Like I always thought turkey was a really lousy meat because its dry and chewy. But the turkey was juicy and tender. And of course smoots mums insane spicy fried chicken. And her insane samosas. AND HER BREAD AND BUTTER PUDDING. Its god-like. I can imagine good ol God in heaven going nyam nyam nyam on this bread and butter pudding because it tastes so damn heavenly good. And smoot can you pls tell me whats the brand of the wine you served us because that was awesome too.

Then after that we played games and I got pwnt in this game that was sth like concentration. I did win Bingo but luck counts for nothing if one does not have the skills to coordinate basic movements :/ After that we brought them to smoots haunted house and shawn chua was a wuss and chickened out.

Oh ya! Thanks smoot lip and tanneh for insane hamper of doom. It's gaylord big and chock full of goodness

Budden my cousins are damn screwed up because they saw the names. One of them, called Joshua completely owned me

Josh (peering at hamper card) : Eh your girlfriend is tanneh ah

Me: What the hell? no shes not.

Josh: Ah ya dont lie lah who's this smoot and this lip and this tanneh.

Me: They are just my friends lah -_____-

Josh: Orrhhh I know already your girlfriend is tanneh and she got smooth lips. Hee Hee


Anyway had a traumatic experience yesterday because a cockroach ran across my ankle at crystal jade in holland v. I nearly died. I was freaking paranoid after that. As you know I absolutely abhor cockroaches. They are the definitive creepy crawlie and I was bloody freaked out and scared. Fuck they move so fast with their dirty legs. And its so sick to feel it move on you. AHHHHH Jasdklgshashgl;sdhkl

And btw lip Baileys sucks. The sweet taste is nice but the kick at the back isnt at all. Go and die for recommending me this suckass drink. No one in my family likes it.

And my mums car got hit by a car today :/ at least shes safe.


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