Friday, August 31, 2007


And here is Britney's new song. The lyrics absolutely blow, but I gotta say the hook in the chorus is not bad.

And last video is this joke about retarded street gangs by Larry the Cable Guy. He's a really famous comedian who dresses up like a redneck (learnt the accent and all) and cracks all sorts of redneck jokes. He's really popular with Southerners except that they don't know hes a fake. The joke is sooo wrong but I still laughed my ass off.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Ah long time no post! Been getting me ass handed to me by mugs and stuff but its 1.30 am now so i tink ill stop doing wurk. Hope everyone's been fine, I know things can get really crazy this period just try to get some normal sleep and stuff!!!

I am jealous of pecks house cuz it has so many exotic creatures including peck himself which must have been one evolutionary step away from the monkey he saw. All i have in me house is 1) cham 2) frogs that cham finds 3) snakes that find cham 4) lizards 5) ants 6) Bugs 7) Spiders 8) Cockroaches 9) Sparrows 10) Small sparrows 11) Medium sparrows 12) Big sparrows 13) Small crow 14) Medium crow 15) Big Crow 16) Red ant 17) Black ant 18) Pidgeon 19) Dove. 20) Fat dove 21) Dove which shits etc.

Antony and cleo are both whiny shitz.

The crisis of growth couldnt have been recognized as a crisis without the crisis of confidence happening, and neither might have been crises without political incompetence.

If i follow animal (dog, bird, cat etc) spirits and invest i will become shitz rich and work in Goldman Sachs and be able to buy your whole family and sell it to the slave labour industry. Then you can work in new zealand and make pip a gentleman. But becuz you work in new zealand nz's GDP has to be adjusted to account for economic activity generated by non-locally owned factors of production. The israelis have had to adjust themselves to the "new political realities that accompanied being an occupying power" (Milton-Edwards and Hinchcliffe). An endless pressing, pressing, pressing on the nerve of power.

peck fail h 3 cannot work in goldman sachs hahaha they will insult him at interviwe hahaha.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Hello the prelims have started and I've been preparing for h3 so the blog hasn't really been updated (aka lip is lazy). Well monday was a mixed day. GP was ok I guess. I didn't write a great essay but it was alright. Then I got my ass kicked for econs essay which was quite a bummer. Lip cursed me to screw up, and I would like to think that was the cause of my low mark, rather than that of my true potential lolol. Ah whatever the essay question was screwed up anyways I refuse to believe stuff like that can come out for the prelims! I refuse!
And today was H3. I got pwned in the case study, but other than that it was a big weight off my shoulders. Came home and took a 3 hour nap because I was so drained. 
But before I took a nap lo and behold THERE WUZ A MONKEY IN GARDEN WTFBBQ. Recently my house has been undergoing a mini-renovation and so theres a scaffolding and everything. And then I noticed the monkey on the it and was stunned outta my wits. How! Wtf from where!
stealth monkey outside teh window

Monkey scratching ass at me. little bast..WHAT IMPUDENCE!! 
Monkey examining other parts of his/her/its body.  
Wth did my maid just give it some bananas...or did my maid just give it some bananas. Not cool. 
Complacent freeloader zzz

And I tell ya this hasnt been the first time that weird animals have entered. I remember doing a post on some king-fisher wannabe entering the lan pei pond to catch fish. Yeah later on we released it to botanic gardens but it kept flying back to catch fish. Beautiful stuff (unless you own the fish I guess. My dad was livid) to see it swoop in for fish. Now we got a net over the pond which of course begs the question: Why have a pond in a first place? I never liked it anyway. It's filled with algae, so murky you can scarcely see the fish, and frankly its probably the root of the noisy frog problem we have. Those critters burp and groan at night like no animal can. I'd prefer to change it into a small pool so I can push the dogs in when i feel like imposing my suffering on other creatures. 

And perhaps the most bizarre animals I have seen so far came on sunday. I shit you not, but 2 large, white macaw-like birds entered my garden and perched on the papaya tree eating up our papayas. The birds were the size of parrots and were snow-white. I was like holy freaking mother cow because the whole scene was freaking weird and surreal. It was like literally 2 lovebirds feasting on the fruits of passion. Awesome stuff. I would have taken a photo if not for my camera battery screwing up as usual and my ama shouting at the birds and scaring them away. Hmm lovely/weird small things in life. 

Off to math then. 

Saturday, August 25, 2007

h3 trawling with al and rayner on friday yielded a lovely gem.

Slutsky Equation

haahahahahaha. This guy actually came up with the income and substitution effect. Respek for his finding but none so for the name.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Hilarious jon stewart on US foreign policy.

O billions of dollars! Is there any dispute you can't settle?

And this is ricardo quaresma scoring a goal with the outside of his foot. Cool.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mmm I just ate godlike oxtail. Who could have thought that something used to swat flies off a cow's ass could taste so scrumplicious. Mmmm.

Anyway everyone should know about the subprime housing market crisis in the US, and how its crushing the stock markets across the world. Yeah I just remembered that me mum invested some of her and my money in some stocks earlier :/. So I think we lost a chunk of cash. That sucks but really I have no idea what's going on with any of my savings. I think my noby dad invested half my savings in a lousy 10 year bond about 8 years ago. Ah I don't know but I think I earn like 50 bucks from it or sth lol.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Hello life has been rather boring. Btw I did pass my napfa after all, but by the skin of my teeth. My mum wrote in a letter and the HOD went to clear up all the lies that were going on. So based on this misunderstanding and our efforts over the months they decided to pass us. Yeah so thank god after all? I guess, though I still don't get how he works.

Yeah I just felt such relief when the whole saga was over. Yeah I was already way past the exhilaration stage (I felt that on friday morning). Just felt a huge weight slip off me shoulders. Anyways had KFC today with wally and rayner. Mmmm zinger + chikan for the first time in like 4, 5 months? And damn calories tasted good.

Oh well nothing else. My life is a bore. Need to start mugging for h3 soon. JSTOR Whoring ftl.


I was gonna post up 2 videos, but this one is so funny and retarded that it deserves centre-stage all to itself.


Monday, August 20, 2007


Rob Thomas - Time After Time (cover, original by Cindi Lauper)

EMOX Chorus:
if you're lost you can look--and you will find me
time after time
if you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting
time after time

Hope everything's alright with everyone, was looking for emox songs again guess what I found! Ive listened to this 50 times in a row omg.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Hello. Well I was kinda over my suicidal angst by friday night lol. I'm never the type to get too depressed over things. My mum has to call up the school to enquire about this bullshit. She'll probably try to make a case for me and whatever.

Friday night the family went to Taste Paradise. The gourmet food was lovely as usual (double boiled superior sharks fin with 20 cm spring onion roll WTF) but not quite as good as the first time. Definitely diminishing returns. Yeah I was quite crabby at the start but I'd cheered up at the end because there's nothing like great food and great company like my sis. Both of us laughed our asses off for 10 minutes in the car at a really bad joke my dad made. It's like he thought he was so funny but we were actually rofling at how unfunny it was, and how he thought it was so funny. Just totally different wavelengths.

Then on Saturday we went to Crystal Jade in holland village for lunch which again was pretty good. Wah liew the century egg porridge is gaylord nice. And the crunchy you char kuay was even nicer. My sis was saying instead of the dish congee with you char kuay there should be a dish called you char kuay with congee, where you put a bitta porridge on a huge you char kuay.

And then today for lunch we went to Lim Seng Lee South Buona Vista duck rice. Best duck rice ever imo. It's probably the only restaurant where I can eat the rice on its own. And the tofu is godlike. And the duck is godlike. And the impish old man who counts your money in 5 seconds is godlike too. Mmm. Oh well need to run tomorrow.

And here's AYO TECHNOLOGY (SHE WANTS IT) by 50 cent and JT. What a retarded title. Nobody quite gives a dime about 50, but JT is hot.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Friday, August 17, 2007


hello. After I passed 2.4km this morning and revelled in jubilation, I got a shock sms in the afternoon telling me I need to retake my entire napfa. Apparently some things were not allowed, and some external factors voided the run. I'm too tired mentally and physically to elaborate about it because it's just been an emotional rollercoaster. Everything got turned on its head and my emotions got fucked with big time. I'm just really frustrated and unhappy with the situation, because this entire napfa thing is just taking so much out of me...and I don't even mean that in an angsty way.

And I don't know. I thought God was doing me a favour that I totally didn't deserve by giving me such great conditions, and such a lenient teacher, such a fortunate break, and a PB for 2.4. At least for me I thought there is no way I could have gotten so lucky without a bit of divine assistance. And after my run I was thanking him so many times. And now I don't know.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Hello. Well today I miraculously passed my 5 stations, with many thanks to a lenient PE teacher who construed a 3/4 pullup as 1. And by another miraculous stroke of luck (thats oxymoronic no?) I have been allowed to take my 2.4 tomorrow morning at 7 am. It's like the stage is set and I don't know if I'm up to it. I could pass and defy totally imba odds or I could crash and burn to the depths of ns hell (Pes BP no less). And I'm praying really hard it's not the latter. Yeah hoping just isn't enough methinks. I know I could hype it up and say I'll never stop no matter how tired I am, but what if I do, because I have done it before and I'm prone to it.

Man this is such a stupid absurd thing to emo or angst about, and random people who come across this blog are probably gonna be like wtf so that's what teens commit suicide over these days. Ahh but I'm worried because I made a gamble with a lot of my time and if I lose well... it is going to blow really hard.

Ah. Emotime over. I hope powergel works.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Well after about a week of voting, the results are in for lip's new letard name! It's CHUCK by a massive margin. Sources tell me it was rigged but its ok. Lip should be pleased with this coz it's probably one of the more decent names on the list. On hindsight I should have made it Chucky to make things more interesting, but I wasn't expecting it to win in the first place. I actually expected gambit lolol. My personal favourite was the totally rocking gaylord name Attila but it ended up a close third behind the more anal Amos, which must have been driven by right wingers. 

Nth much else. Posting up video. THIS IS WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH STEROIDS

HOLY MOTHER OF MAN 2250 pound leg press ftw. 


Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Id like to say thanks for everyone who remembered me birthday (You know who you are) 

I totally remembered! And you're certainly welcome! 

Anyway as lip said my eye was swollen so I couldn't go to school. I'm not sure what caused it really. I was downstairs at about 1am + getting something to eat, and then my eye just went all red swollen and teary. I thought I could sleep it off but it stayed that way till today. Puzzling stuff, so I managed to persuade my mum to let me skip school. Meh I don't remember the last time she took the initiative to suggest it first.

Yeah these are pictures of my eye as of this evening (improved I must say). Still looks like I stabbed it with a pen though. One of them is of my wondrous reflection, in case you were wondering why the 2 pictures don't match. 

Well it was a decent day overall. Went to queenstown library to study for a bit in the afternoon. Made it a point to stare vengefully into the eyes of every infant toddler that I saw. Oh yes I also listened to a female teen (about our age) bitching to her boyfriend about people being shallow, and then proceeding on to rant about how she hated people who couldn't speak proper english. Well from what I heard I'll be damned if she didn't fall into both categories. 
Hello everyone

Id like to say thanks for everyone who remembered me birthday (You know who you are) I really wasnt expecting anything so thanks a milllion even if it was just a friendly wave! no thanks to peck who got his eye swollen so he couldnt give me anything and only remembered at about 2pm.. ZZZ. Ah well just got back from skool am tired but back to work soon~

Alright everyone can now call me Chuck Norris yay.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Yo heres the 35 kg tuna my dad caught. But instead of doing the customary proud solo holding of the fish for a photo, there is no photographic evidence whatsoever to show that he actually caught it, MUCH LESS TOUCHED IT. Instead all we have are pictures of other ppl holding the monster or my dad's random head bobbing around in the background. Zz nobcaeke 



Saturday, August 11, 2007


Hello everyone. Lots of things have happened the past couple of days. Well my sister is back from the States/South America so thats great. Me ama was real emo and started crying at 2 am when she saw my sister. Awww moment sia. But its lovely to have her back, at least for a bit. Can hear all about her debauchery and decadence in Stanford. Yeah she also visited Philly (city of brotherly love with lots of homies), NY (big apple, where she paid US 200 to sit at the front row of a play WTF splurge scholarship monies, and leeched off my cousin for meals). She then went to Buenos Aires with her goodfriend from Wharton (wtf elitist) to learn spanish (that alone deserves a wtf). But hey now shes back and thats cool. She also got some interesting stuff like an ORGASMOTRON that is nowhere near as vulgar as it sounds but still owns your head nerves, plus a POTC hat from Disneyland for me.

And then there was class steamboat party at els house yesterday. Lovely stuff. I think smood and martin bought a superb variety of food. Wally ate like king kong man hulk. He demolished like 25 prawns (wtf cholesterol)? Cooked by me btw. Like he pwned the prawns so bad I think he was flossing his teeth with their feelers at the end. Oh yeah he also ate about 45 fishballs, 20 meatballs, half a kg of beef, 3 chickens and 2000 yong tau foo thingies. In fact I think he ate the equivalent of all the rest of the ppl at the table combined.

Oh yeah desert was good too. Hotdam ex strawberries from martin, nice bday cake, brilliant tiramisu from rayner. Another really nice thing was that nearly everyone in class was there (even sabby!) to eat and play 1337 games. Yayayayayy happy at the end.

Well today when I woke up for psychometric I was burning up man. Pwned. Got better after a bit. Psychometric sucked like man. Ate dinner out at Sushi Tei which was quite nice, after which the family went to pick up my dad from airport. Apparently he was godlike on the trip and caught a 35 kg tuna WTH. At first I was like oooh aaaah you the bomb pa! Then after that NOOOO 35 kg of tuna to eat. /wrist.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Rabbit: Hello i m fat and cute
Hamster: Hello i am small and nooby and cuter and holding me nose
Strange racoon-dog: Ahh the sun it burns me eys

Cheer up!


Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Man today has been a messed up day. It's as if my past few days of accumulated sleep deficiency suddenly decided to crash upon my skull. For much of the morning and afternoon I've just been a walking zombie, falling asleep wherever I am, whatever I'm doing. I don't think I've felt this stoned in months. Gahh wasted. That just means I have to make up for it tonight I guess.

Well national day was alright. Free food didnt taste that great, though the $2 fruit yoghurt pwned. The ceremonies were boring, the dances weren't bad. Oh yeah they also put a lot of cheesy emo videos like lky qqing and some stuff about who you really are. Existentialist stuff. The emceeing had some highs and lows. More of the latter I think, because they tried to have a lot of impromptu onstage banter and if you can't trash talk well, it fails spectacularly. They did have a few gems though. Mr S was cool, though could tell he was running outta trash to talk near the end. Mr. and Mrs. Singapore got too long-drawn really, and the stuff they were supposed to do were in actual fact quite boring.

What impressed me was firstly the laser show, which was reasonably nice. And secondly, surprise surprise I thought Triads performance was quite decent. Their rendition of Where I Belong wasn't that bad, though I thought giving it a rocky edge just doesn't go well with the song. Their second song sounded mildly like Electrico, but wasn't my taste. Well point is, they did it quite professionally imo. Though lip would totally disagree.

Oh yeah cher gave me a blueberry muffin which was lovely. Mmm. Yumyum.

Here's a video of Nine Inch Nails and their famous song 'Hurt'. Morbid video and angst x 129891259

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I'm exhausted. National Day was alright. The emceeing was pretty bumpy.

Here's James Blunt's new single 1973 from his new album. It's an alright song, but it doesn't quite hit the bar set by pretty much any Back to Bedlam song.

Edit: Since the video was taken down, I posted up another, this time of the official one. TV rip but can't be helped.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Yo everyone. My dad is actually in australia fishing at the moment, so me mum and I decided to check out some nice food that my dad would otherwise be too lazy to take us out to. Yeah we decided to check out this place La Pizzaiola along Holland Drive. It turned out to be a small shop that served some quality italian food at a really decent price. The dishes looks rougher, the presentation isn't so classy, and the setting isn't high class, but the food was quite excellent.

I went conservative and chose the hawaiian as usual. Excellent and at $4, very reasonable

My mum went for the hotseller, the Quattro Formaggi. This was really good

We decided to try another popular dish, the beef lasagna ($6). It's hella oily but hotdamn this thing is freaking lovely. The minced beef is nice and soft and there's a nice amount of cheese

Apple Pie and Cappucino Custard. I liked the filling of the Apple Pie. Cappucino could have been a bit stronger, but I thought it was decent quality for $2.   

Ambience in the evening was nice. 

So for about $10 flat you could be getting a really good deal, especially if 2 people are eating. Plus a 12 inch pizza is about $13 and for quality that blows canadian (well I donno bout pizza hut, I haven't eaten there in years coz I'm cheapskate) away I'm well willing to pay. Plus free delivery within a certain radius, which is great for me. Rare gem imo.   
And here's the trailer for Into the Wild, a movie written and directed by the legendary Sean Penn. Makes me a little wistful because most likely we'll never feel the kind of exhilaration that comes from throwing everything away and just soaking in life or taking time out to gain a greater self-awareness. Well and other hippie stuff like that. Reminds me a bit of American Beauty. 

Sunday, August 05, 2007



Hello this is my room. Megatron is guarding the soft toys. You can see my toy ferrari collection one day ill have all 6 of the real ones. My airpurifier is red, it changes colour from blue to green to purple to red to yellow i think. U can see starfish there. And lion the hedgehog, and blueduckey (not THAT ducky for whoever knows what im talking about this is another one :D ). My hifi! All on my new glass table that is wtf cool.

This is megatron in plane form hes gonna fly off and bomb something (might be you if u piss me off). You can see the kiddy bolstercase on the floor which is embarrassing, and the economist on my arm chair has a picture of pol pot that you can see barely. HHAhaa pol pot.

this is cham playing with frog like he usually likes to do. You can see the frog barely its really dark!

Ok byebye

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Hello. Since my life is as interesting as a turd, I shall post up some interesting movie trailers

National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets. This has been out for a long time, and it doesn't reveal much, but what is it with bad hair in middle-age protagonists today. First Tom Hanks with his godlike mullet in Da Vinci and now Nicholas Cage with this godawful do.  

The cast for the film looks quite good. I have no idea how they got Helen Mirren in. 

And the next one is probably not so well known. Rendition looks like a really interesting thriller that's riding on 2 very prominent waves of paranoic fears in recent times - that of terrorists, and that of the state interfering with individual freedom. The cast looks absolutely sublime. How did they get Meryl Streep! Well kinda reminds me of Spy Game but not quite the same topic.  


Finally. Monster flick from J.J Abrams a la Godzilla. That's the guy who created Lost btw. For a low budget flick, it looks good. Clever use of cameras. 

CLOVERFIELD (well that's its working name)

Friday, August 03, 2007


Hello. Today was an angsty day. Probably one of the angstier ones I've had in a long while. Well I didn't know that Mr. S released the econs question last night so when I found out when I got to school I was quite pissed with myself (and at life in general). Angst x 5. Yeah felt kinda aggro and frustrated after the test too because I wrote a crappy, waffly essay. Then during PE I found out that I couldn't pass my broad jump again and that really set me off. Apparently, the moment I stopped training my jumping intensively in order to whore my arm muscles, my leg muscles just kinda atrophied. And it's not like I haven't been using them -_-. I've been running every alternate day and like jumping up the large steps like a shameless jackrabbit twice a week. I was like arghhh fuggingfugshid and then I aggroed like hulk. But I'm over it now. Don't believe in long-term angst. Well it certainly fades from mind after a few hours.

Since the harry potter alter ego quiz is all the hots right now, I took it. I'm Ron Weasley (80%) and 2nd is Sirius Black (70%). Hey Ron's not bad, and not too far off from where I thought I'd place (I mean..surely I'm not HP, or Ginny -.-). Neither is Sirius Black. But I'd prefer the latter because Ron is kinda wussy. I'm 30% dumbledore DOHH! Mehh wisdom is surely not my forte. If there was a dobby I'm sure to be him.

Thursday, August 02, 2007



Bridge over Troubled Waters

He doesnt hit the gaylord high note he hits in the first recording cuz i think he isnt emoing here. His voice is imbaz. This song really REALLY tears ur heart apart hahaha. I think it might be one of me long time favs ever.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Today is a SHITTY DAY i want it to DIE.

I m feeling exceptionally crappy so i shall drown myself in emo music while i try to fix things. Like this song:

Rob Thomas - Now Comes the Night
New video of Maroon 5's Wake Up Call

And go here to check out the first look at Prince Caspian from the 2nd movie of the Narnia Chronicles. He looks a bit wussy imo.