Friday, August 03, 2007


Hello. Today was an angsty day. Probably one of the angstier ones I've had in a long while. Well I didn't know that Mr. S released the econs question last night so when I found out when I got to school I was quite pissed with myself (and at life in general). Angst x 5. Yeah felt kinda aggro and frustrated after the test too because I wrote a crappy, waffly essay. Then during PE I found out that I couldn't pass my broad jump again and that really set me off. Apparently, the moment I stopped training my jumping intensively in order to whore my arm muscles, my leg muscles just kinda atrophied. And it's not like I haven't been using them -_-. I've been running every alternate day and like jumping up the large steps like a shameless jackrabbit twice a week. I was like arghhh fuggingfugshid and then I aggroed like hulk. But I'm over it now. Don't believe in long-term angst. Well it certainly fades from mind after a few hours.

Since the harry potter alter ego quiz is all the hots right now, I took it. I'm Ron Weasley (80%) and 2nd is Sirius Black (70%). Hey Ron's not bad, and not too far off from where I thought I'd place (I mean..surely I'm not HP, or Ginny -.-). Neither is Sirius Black. But I'd prefer the latter because Ron is kinda wussy. I'm 30% dumbledore DOHH! Mehh wisdom is surely not my forte. If there was a dobby I'm sure to be him.


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