Saturday, August 11, 2007


Hello everyone. Lots of things have happened the past couple of days. Well my sister is back from the States/South America so thats great. Me ama was real emo and started crying at 2 am when she saw my sister. Awww moment sia. But its lovely to have her back, at least for a bit. Can hear all about her debauchery and decadence in Stanford. Yeah she also visited Philly (city of brotherly love with lots of homies), NY (big apple, where she paid US 200 to sit at the front row of a play WTF splurge scholarship monies, and leeched off my cousin for meals). She then went to Buenos Aires with her goodfriend from Wharton (wtf elitist) to learn spanish (that alone deserves a wtf). But hey now shes back and thats cool. She also got some interesting stuff like an ORGASMOTRON that is nowhere near as vulgar as it sounds but still owns your head nerves, plus a POTC hat from Disneyland for me.

And then there was class steamboat party at els house yesterday. Lovely stuff. I think smood and martin bought a superb variety of food. Wally ate like king kong man hulk. He demolished like 25 prawns (wtf cholesterol)? Cooked by me btw. Like he pwned the prawns so bad I think he was flossing his teeth with their feelers at the end. Oh yeah he also ate about 45 fishballs, 20 meatballs, half a kg of beef, 3 chickens and 2000 yong tau foo thingies. In fact I think he ate the equivalent of all the rest of the ppl at the table combined.

Oh yeah desert was good too. Hotdam ex strawberries from martin, nice bday cake, brilliant tiramisu from rayner. Another really nice thing was that nearly everyone in class was there (even sabby!) to eat and play 1337 games. Yayayayayy happy at the end.

Well today when I woke up for psychometric I was burning up man. Pwned. Got better after a bit. Psychometric sucked like man. Ate dinner out at Sushi Tei which was quite nice, after which the family went to pick up my dad from airport. Apparently he was godlike on the trip and caught a 35 kg tuna WTH. At first I was like oooh aaaah you the bomb pa! Then after that NOOOO 35 kg of tuna to eat. /wrist.


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