Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Man today has been a messed up day. It's as if my past few days of accumulated sleep deficiency suddenly decided to crash upon my skull. For much of the morning and afternoon I've just been a walking zombie, falling asleep wherever I am, whatever I'm doing. I don't think I've felt this stoned in months. Gahh wasted. That just means I have to make up for it tonight I guess.

Well national day was alright. Free food didnt taste that great, though the $2 fruit yoghurt pwned. The ceremonies were boring, the dances weren't bad. Oh yeah they also put a lot of cheesy emo videos like lky qqing and some stuff about who you really are. Existentialist stuff. The emceeing had some highs and lows. More of the latter I think, because they tried to have a lot of impromptu onstage banter and if you can't trash talk well, it fails spectacularly. They did have a few gems though. Mr S was cool, though could tell he was running outta trash to talk near the end. Mr. and Mrs. Singapore got too long-drawn really, and the stuff they were supposed to do were in actual fact quite boring.

What impressed me was firstly the laser show, which was reasonably nice. And secondly, surprise surprise I thought Triads performance was quite decent. Their rendition of Where I Belong wasn't that bad, though I thought giving it a rocky edge just doesn't go well with the song. Their second song sounded mildly like Electrico, but wasn't my taste. Well point is, they did it quite professionally imo. Though lip would totally disagree.

Oh yeah cher gave me a blueberry muffin which was lovely. Mmm. Yumyum.

Here's a video of Nine Inch Nails and their famous song 'Hurt'. Morbid video and angst x 129891259


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