Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Id like to say thanks for everyone who remembered me birthday (You know who you are) 

I totally remembered! And you're certainly welcome! 

Anyway as lip said my eye was swollen so I couldn't go to school. I'm not sure what caused it really. I was downstairs at about 1am + getting something to eat, and then my eye just went all red swollen and teary. I thought I could sleep it off but it stayed that way till today. Puzzling stuff, so I managed to persuade my mum to let me skip school. Meh I don't remember the last time she took the initiative to suggest it first.

Yeah these are pictures of my eye as of this evening (improved I must say). Still looks like I stabbed it with a pen though. One of them is of my wondrous reflection, in case you were wondering why the 2 pictures don't match. 

Well it was a decent day overall. Went to queenstown library to study for a bit in the afternoon. Made it a point to stare vengefully into the eyes of every infant toddler that I saw. Oh yes I also listened to a female teen (about our age) bitching to her boyfriend about people being shallow, and then proceeding on to rant about how she hated people who couldn't speak proper english. Well from what I heard I'll be damned if she didn't fall into both categories. 


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