Thursday, August 16, 2007


Hello. Well today I miraculously passed my 5 stations, with many thanks to a lenient PE teacher who construed a 3/4 pullup as 1. And by another miraculous stroke of luck (thats oxymoronic no?) I have been allowed to take my 2.4 tomorrow morning at 7 am. It's like the stage is set and I don't know if I'm up to it. I could pass and defy totally imba odds or I could crash and burn to the depths of ns hell (Pes BP no less). And I'm praying really hard it's not the latter. Yeah hoping just isn't enough methinks. I know I could hype it up and say I'll never stop no matter how tired I am, but what if I do, because I have done it before and I'm prone to it.

Man this is such a stupid absurd thing to emo or angst about, and random people who come across this blog are probably gonna be like wtf so that's what teens commit suicide over these days. Ahh but I'm worried because I made a gamble with a lot of my time and if I lose well... it is going to blow really hard.

Ah. Emotime over. I hope powergel works.


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