Hi I'm kinda tired. It's been a long day. Civics was cool, econs was mildly interesting, math was boring, phy geog was the dumps, gp was a waste of time. I certainly sense a downhill path :/. Yeah after that went for fitness training of doom with ray and komrade. Today was probably one of the toughest trainings since the june hols but it was merited, coz I had rested over the weekend+holiday, and I have been eating normally. Lol sad. Then skipped cambridge talk for math remedial (well my rationale is that I'm not interested in oxbridge, and I probably don't even have a chance with math grades like these, so i might as well work on the latter). Yeah went home surfed the net took a nap then had math tuition. It was alright. I'm shagged.
Hmm but I still got to do my physical geog tuition homework. Oh yeah let me tell you about my physical geog tuition teacher who's gay btw. He's a really nice guy, along with all the melodrama you'd expect from someone who isn't straight (there's a stereotype isn't there).
A typical question goes sth like this
Him: Surprise me Daniel, whats the answer
Me: Umm. (wrong answer)?
Him: OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, Noooo!
Me: Arrrrgh
Haha once during the lesson he started hyperventilating.
Him: OH MY GOD....(hyperventilate), I think I'm gonna die...wait...wait...let me catch my breathe
Me: >.<

Oh yeah I might as well chuck in this new poster of Sweetney Todd directed by Tim Burton starring Johnny Depp. Has that Tim Burton surrealistic feel, but also slightly reminiscent of Sleepy Hollow.

Labels: http://bp3.blogger.com/_TtYHNubMBFc/Rq9GnZlh_II/AAAAAAAAAOg/WRuFYyq6B0s/s400/sweeneylarge.jpg