Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Hello. My aircon is messed up. The air blowing out of it smells like rotting turd. Ughh. I haven't used it in 3 days now. Some lizard must have taken a dump in there.

And anyway the last few days have been potter-mania. I'm not really into it simply because I thought the books were getting too long and the quality was going down. Less is totally more. The first 3 books were really succinct and good. The fourth was decent. Then I heard bad things about the fifth (+ length increase) and I didn't even bother borrowing it from the library. Oh yeah I also stopped buying after 4 because some time back the church was in uproar against the books and that kinda sparked off a religious frenzy in my mum. She basically had a mini-purge of everything remotely or even suggestively heretical. Like no shit she threw away my crusaders of might and magic game. And she also banned me from putting judo on my cca option form coz she insisted it had some temple origins. I was like -___- thats a bit much. Back to the potter books she let me literally burn em lol coz I was into pyrotechnics/sparklers back then. It was either the bin or the bonfire and I chose the latter. Oh wells a modern experience of burning wizards at the stake certainly comes few and far between these days.

Well my sister and I were always of the opinion that we could discern fact from fiction and plain retardness from proper human behaviour. Like obviously we weren't gonna put the cruciatus curse on the pastor or something, or cut some scars on our forehead. The books were just plain interesting period. So we were like zomgma dunch be paranoid we are nut stoopid enuff to form a hp cult.

And anyway a very happy 20th birthday to chamaine peck the nob!! Dannng she's 20. Somehow 20 seems so much older than 18. It's almost like 20's the new 50. Well I'm not sure if she'll see this because she's farming or sth in buenos aires. Yep nobby if u see this I lub joo and I hope you still remember what I look like. If u don't just picture a suave chiselled demigod. Oh ya don't drink too much biatch. The shid rapes your liver.

Oh ya this is the vid weilips sis put on the taggy. It's Mckellen being approached by Singaporean gays for some support.

Well the dude really is a literal gaylord. He's pretty much one of the most respected international acting icons, and also a prominent leader of the gay movement. Plus he's knighted. Not often you get this hypercombo. Kinda like an overlord of gays. Overgaylord.


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