Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Well today was an interesting day. My class had some froot day which was pretty cool. Somehow it rekindled my love for bananas. Mmm bananas. Too bad they are so chock full of carbo if not I'd be lubbing those every day. Fruit Loops are great too. I could pop them forever and you couldn't stop me.

And to totally add spice to the event, sabby came back to visit! It was great to see her back again, plus she gave me an imba inter milan magnet which got me all excited. To tell the truth her cheerful demeanor was a welcome change to the jaded, angsty school environment we live in. Or perhaps the contrast brought out the latter even more. lolol that sounds so angsty and emo.

And it was total field day for presents because xy gave me this brilliant toy turtle thingy from thailand that moves around when you pull some string. It totally rocks and was a big hit in class. Somehow I still love childhood toys, especially those with some semblance of movement. lewl 5 year old at heart. I like stuff that can fly, I like bubbles, I like stuff that kinda move on their own. I used to really dig xmen figurines and transformers. Like every freaking day I would have some lame roleplay where wolverine and the xmen and the good transformers take on the evil decepticons and captain planet. Yeah even back then I had already realised that captain planet looked like a freak. Or maybe it's because I coloured his face blue with a marker lol. Haha thinking back it was so lame. What a gaylord imagination and tenacity I must have had to make figurines do kungfu fighting for hours on end.

Yeah then it was lessons. Nobody wants to hear about that ya? Nobody wants to hear bitching so I'll save it all up for one post and blow your angsty socks off all at once.

And btw I woke up at 6 am this morning and wrote mr. P's poem in 1 hour. Thinking back I wasn't quite in the right frame of mind so if he returns it with some disparaging comments which are sadistically funny I'll post it up.

Ok time for photos!

Bigass turtle. Cute no?

Magnet from sabby

Weirdass voodoo doll thing from xy and paniel.

And finally. Royce chocolate. Patient gave it to memum. Funny how patients like to give dentists the very sweet treats that brought them there in the first place. 5 grams of heavenly goodness, 5 grams of unburnable fat.

Oh yeah finally. The trailer to the There Will Be Blood, the upcoming drama-thriller from Paul Thomas Anderson (director of Magnolia), starring the enigmatic but bloody brilliant Daniel Day Lewis. Many contend that he is the finest actor of his generation, having given mindblowing performances in movies like The Unbearable Lightness of Being, My Left Foot, The Last of the Mohicans and most recently Gangs of New York (Bill teh Butcher). Plus his old school method acting is legendary, assimilating into his film role 24/7. Bah admiration oozes from my pores.



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