Hmm. I gotta admit, the lit poem I wrote is kinda porny. When I hear that Mr. P is parading it around the classes well, I feel a mixture of pseudo-pride and embarrassment. Well pseudo-pride because he actually acknowledges my existence (lol w3ak) and embarrassment because I instinctively know that this sort of erotica should not be paraded around, much less read out -.-.
Anyway I tried baking some simple stuff yesterday, and it pretty much turned out a failure. I'm definitely blaming the recipe because I followed it ANALLY and it still turned out like dog food. Bah whatever. So I was trying to make Cheese Puffs because it looked like a pretty easy recipe. Since I was a newbie (well actually I still am), my mum and maids were around to supervise me in case I didnt know how to do stuff or if I effed up the kitchen.
1) grate a gaylord load of cheese

2) Lub in salt butter milk flour and heat and stir like some man until its thick

3) Thick but not thick enough. Stoopid recipe says must be thick until its a sticky ball. wtf.

4) Stirring saikang

5) camwhore

6) Lub eggs in and use electric mixer to pulverize the thingy

7) Add cheese and this is the shit you get. It looks like shit, and after baking it still tastes like shit.

Sorry don't have a photo of the final product. I was too mortified by the taste last night to take a photo, and I think we fed all 3 batches of the cheese shats to the doggies today. The taste in summary is really bland with a hint of milk and cheesiness. It's texture is like hardened bread. Yeah thats pretty much all I can say, because..its bland and by definition there isn't much else to describe.
Anyways despite this spectacular failure, we're still gonna try making a cake tomorrow. To add some spice to the matter its a pretty fancy cake which involves mascarpone, which is a uber-rich, expensive italian cheese that memum got today. So if we fail once more, the defeat will be even more crushing. And my mum will probably trollsmash me for wasting the cheese. Oh well.
Damn my incipient blister developed and burst during badminton today. Painful.
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