hahhaa i love it she looks so swid and decent its hilarious when she sings that part hawhawh
Friday, March 30, 2007
aannnd the leeaaavess ooonnn meee likeee aaaa roooottleessssssss.... ___________________________________________________________
hahhaa i love it she looks so swid and decent its hilarious when she sings that part hawhawh
hahhaa i love it she looks so swid and decent its hilarious when she sings that part hawhawh
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Hey lip actually gave me the link for a second damien rice video. Song is called Rootless Tree. Ripped my soul out. Esp when they sing fugyoooo aha.
And geog overall was ok I guess. Though a quite exceptional 32% for physical. Bah now its all about time management and grinding out the result for the next one. Must at least finish studying the next time.
Oh yeah one more video Here (In your arms) by hellogoodbye. A really cool dance/electronica/pop track.
Hey lip actually gave me the link for a second damien rice video. Song is called Rootless Tree. Ripped my soul out. Esp when they sing fugyoooo aha.
And geog overall was ok I guess. Though a quite exceptional 32% for physical. Bah now its all about time management and grinding out the result for the next one. Must at least finish studying the next time.
Oh yeah one more video Here (In your arms) by hellogoodbye. A really cool dance/electronica/pop track.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
lol didnt see your post till today, many pities for U. :d no worries im waiting for mine. at least you did well for econs dude.
school ended erly for me today so went to drop off 3 h3 books to photocopy, get another from nat lib to photocopy, get new shoes and fix my hair which made me unrecognizable to mrs toh. haw. any way since you havent been online watch this and i guarantee you will enjoy an angsty night
9 crimes by damien "emo" rice heehee.
btw grats rap group we get supremely and utterly cheap testimonial whoreage for a piece of 4am work, grats grats grats isnt that what we all wanted yea. i know its probably a little annoying to be saying this after getting the whoreage, but i laugh a little inside everytime i think of how this one came about cuz it is so damn bloody ironic.
school ended erly for me today so went to drop off 3 h3 books to photocopy, get another from nat lib to photocopy, get new shoes and fix my hair which made me unrecognizable to mrs toh. haw. any way since you havent been online watch this and i guarantee you will enjoy an angsty night
9 crimes by damien "emo" rice heehee.
btw grats rap group we get supremely and utterly cheap testimonial whoreage for a piece of 4am work, grats grats grats isnt that what we all wanted yea. i know its probably a little annoying to be saying this after getting the whoreage, but i laugh a little inside everytime i think of how this one came about cuz it is so damn bloody ironic.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Hello! Havent blogged for some time. On Saturday went to Village at Heeren to celebrate dees birthday. And I must say...Village is a carbon copy of Marche. After that went to look around HMV. Was considering buying 1 out of 4 cds by norah jones, mica, taking back sunday or razorlight. But then again I never do buy cds unless I am a massive fan or the cd is really a great cd. Like Songs about Jane. Or X & Y. Haha but browsing movies and cds are a cool way to pass time.
Anyway sis has been home these days. Immobile but nevertheless still here. Nice to have her company. There are just some things that parents cannot understand that people closer to your age do. And there are some things that you can talk to your sister about that are tough to talk to your friends about.
And ct results have tough so far. U for physical geog. I didnt study for it, and the demanding, anal nature of the subject provides no buffer. Oh wells had archives today. That was pretty ok.
Anyway sis has been home these days. Immobile but nevertheless still here. Nice to have her company. There are just some things that parents cannot understand that people closer to your age do. And there are some things that you can talk to your sister about that are tough to talk to your friends about.
And ct results have tough so far. U for physical geog. I didnt study for it, and the demanding, anal nature of the subject provides no buffer. Oh wells had archives today. That was pretty ok.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
hello am sitting in my cold cold room reading Fragile Things by Gaiman that ive had for a long time just never had the time to read it. hawahaw been stuffing myself with nice food these days im so going to regret but i dont care. Had quite a bit of fun doing lol things too, but now it just kinda sucks that school is coming and shitresults are coming along with it. i hope i do ok cuz i really really really tried but if i dont then owell at least some good came out of it which i hope will last heh. i hope everyone who tried really really really hard does fine too, though remember that Hard Work never makes up for Talent (or Sucking Up Like A *****) for that matter heehee. Well is ok i have my own list of winners and losers for whatever shit my opinion counts for, and chances are that if youre reading this you are a winner (cept maybe, one of two of you scumbags whahah is okay you add to my blog traffic or lack thereof). Hope someone else out there does feel the same way, but if not then is ok as well.
Oh well i bought 4 cds. One by Rob Thomas (matchbox20 vocalist just incase you didnt know), John Legend, new album by Damien Rice and Eyes open by snow patrol. All of them are really good, damien rice is as angsty as always but i like that aobut his songs, rob thomas has a nice voice, legend is good for making you sleepy and relaxy, and snow patrol is well, snow patrol. Wont be buying cds for meself anymore for a while, but in case some kind angel reads this blog and wants to be really relaly lovely i still want to buy albums by james morrison, the new one by eric clapton, the new compilation from george michael and a few others.
Parents have been really nice and surprised me with a sexy glass table in my room, a new arm chair and a thin black reading light yay makes my room less bare and prison like, something that ill appreciate no doubt when things begin to look shittier than they already are. First terms over, 3 more to ???. Wish i had something (and knew what) to work towards, now its just the little things that make it bearable, wonder what happens when theyre gone.
hello am sitting in my cold cold room reading Fragile Things by Gaiman that ive had for a long time just never had the time to read it. hawahaw been stuffing myself with nice food these days im so going to regret but i dont care. Had quite a bit of fun doing lol things too, but now it just kinda sucks that school is coming and shitresults are coming along with it. i hope i do ok cuz i really really really tried but if i dont then owell at least some good came out of it which i hope will last heh. i hope everyone who tried really really really hard does fine too, though remember that Hard Work never makes up for Talent (or Sucking Up Like A *****) for that matter heehee. Well is ok i have my own list of winners and losers for whatever shit my opinion counts for, and chances are that if youre reading this you are a winner (cept maybe, one of two of you scumbags whahah is okay you add to my blog traffic or lack thereof). Hope someone else out there does feel the same way, but if not then is ok as well.
Oh well i bought 4 cds. One by Rob Thomas (matchbox20 vocalist just incase you didnt know), John Legend, new album by Damien Rice and Eyes open by snow patrol. All of them are really good, damien rice is as angsty as always but i like that aobut his songs, rob thomas has a nice voice, legend is good for making you sleepy and relaxy, and snow patrol is well, snow patrol. Wont be buying cds for meself anymore for a while, but in case some kind angel reads this blog and wants to be really relaly lovely i still want to buy albums by james morrison, the new one by eric clapton, the new compilation from george michael and a few others.
Parents have been really nice and surprised me with a sexy glass table in my room, a new arm chair and a thin black reading light yay makes my room less bare and prison like, something that ill appreciate no doubt when things begin to look shittier than they already are. First terms over, 3 more to ???. Wish i had something (and knew what) to work towards, now its just the little things that make it bearable, wonder what happens when theyre gone.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Yoyo people. My sis came back friday morning (1 am) from America cos she needed to reconstruct her busted knee from skiing. Yeah so she went in this morning at 7.30 am or sth. Short operation to like graft some part of her hamstring into her knee so itll grow into some manly ligament again. Oh well its good to have her back. I miss talking to her and I miss talking shit with her and so its good. The stuff her dorm dudes do are freaking hilarious.
Went to Jumbo last night to eat seafood. That was good. Oh yeah she brought krispy kremes home. Great stuff.
Shoutout to adidee shivaramanakrishnan happy birthday veggie woman!
And..Pirates 3 trailer. Chow Yun Fatt looks a little bitty gaylord
Yoyo people. My sis came back friday morning (1 am) from America cos she needed to reconstruct her busted knee from skiing. Yeah so she went in this morning at 7.30 am or sth. Short operation to like graft some part of her hamstring into her knee so itll grow into some manly ligament again. Oh well its good to have her back. I miss talking to her and I miss talking shit with her and so its good. The stuff her dorm dudes do are freaking hilarious.
Went to Jumbo last night to eat seafood. That was good. Oh yeah she brought krispy kremes home. Great stuff.
Shoutout to adidee shivaramanakrishnan happy birthday veggie woman!
And..Pirates 3 trailer. Chow Yun Fatt looks a little bitty gaylord
Thursday, March 22, 2007
yay its finally over. lit didnt go too well as usual hope to get a C or B if im rly lucky but oh well its overrr. hahah went kboxing with smoot and tanneh and was put to shame by teh chior (typo totally intended) girls thanks for putting up with me croaking. croaks. and played rly strange games at cip i suspect the permanent volunteers there were a LEETE exasperated that we didnt really try to mix around with the kids but ahhh w/e our exams just ended so shorrob. anyway peck got anything fun to do tomorrow??? im bored lets like buy CnC 3 or something and go someones house to play LLOL
yay its finally over. lit didnt go too well as usual hope to get a C or B if im rly lucky but oh well its overrr. hahah went kboxing with smoot and tanneh and was put to shame by teh chior (typo totally intended) girls thanks for putting up with me croaking. croaks. and played rly strange games at cip i suspect the permanent volunteers there were a LEETE exasperated that we didnt really try to mix around with the kids but ahhh w/e our exams just ended so shorrob. anyway peck got anything fun to do tomorrow??? im bored lets like buy CnC 3 or something and go someones house to play LLOL
Sparknotes for the luzz.
Fuck it, damn disappointing. After the last paper finishes tomorrow, how to celebrate if you know u screwed up. ahyo.
Fuck it, damn disappointing. After the last paper finishes tomorrow, how to celebrate if you know u screwed up. ahyo.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
history was ok, thought of a few ways i couldve done to make me stuff a little better, but ah whatever its over. head burned hahahah
Monday, March 19, 2007
good luck, have fun (2)
And an extra good luck for me for geog because I need it.
Lip needs no luck for hist.
And an extra good luck for me for geog because I need it.
Lip needs no luck for hist.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Yoyo fellow muggles. My studying is....ok i guess. I think I might fall quite short for physical geog and I'm pretty much as fucked as faustus for lit....so....take heart!
Friday, March 16, 2007
You know I like Human Geog. But if there is one gaylord thing i hate about it is that there are about 3 different definitions for each term.
Is urban sprawl
a) The horizontal expansion of the city in the direction of the outskirts
b) The horizontal expansion of the city via housing and transport routes leading to massive suburbanisation, socio-economic disconnections between the city centre and its peripheries, and encroaching into areas way beyond normal commuting times.
Tons of other terms and their triple definitions are shitting on my brain cells.
Is urban sprawl
a) The horizontal expansion of the city in the direction of the outskirts
b) The horizontal expansion of the city via housing and transport routes leading to massive suburbanisation, socio-economic disconnections between the city centre and its peripheries, and encroaching into areas way beyond normal commuting times.
Tons of other terms and their triple definitions are shitting on my brain cells.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
hahah nothing much happening atm except integration and multiplier effects and GATT and malthusian principles and "our duty to the party". k so music search of the day: angels by robbie williams I <3 this song
hahah nothing much happening atm except integration and multiplier effects and GATT and malthusian principles and "our duty to the party". k so music search of the day: angels by robbie williams I <3 this song
I sit and wait
does an angel contemplate my fate
and do they know
the places where we go
when we´re grey and old
´cos I´ve been told
that salvation lets their wings unfold
so when I’m lying in my bed
thoughts running through my head
and I feel that love is dead
I’m loving angels instead
does an angel contemplate my fate
and do they know
the places where we go
when we´re grey and old
´cos I´ve been told
that salvation lets their wings unfold
so when I’m lying in my bed
thoughts running through my head
and I feel that love is dead
I’m loving angels instead
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Yoyo ppl. This week has been real shitty. Been checking into school to get help from klubber teo for math. Geog is a real pain in the ass to mug, and econs..well econs is difficult to organize all the shit imo. LIT IS A BITCH
Btw I like studying in dim places. Don't ask me why I like to spoil my eyes, but when I'm wide awake, and its dim, dang I feel comfortable. Hate light in my eyes.
Btw I like studying in dim places. Don't ask me why I like to spoil my eyes, but when I'm wide awake, and its dim, dang I feel comfortable. Hate light in my eyes.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
this morning, smoot the noob (thanks nevertheless) dragged me around park mall looking for "an alternate, air conditioned, shaded, stair-free route" to church by "stalking the green/red shirt guy". she (not we, she) failed utterly, but lucky we had time to waste. sat behind an UBBERR CUTE BABY today liek one of the cuttest noobiest babies ive ever seen hehehe and i waved back when she waved at me.
On the subject of RHCP, my current fav rhcp song is Wet Sand. Here's the first verse:
The bassline and riffs on this track blow my mind, esp the leet solo at teh end which is supposedly the best instrumental performance by john frusciante in FOREVERR. woo. Peck lemme the album when you buy it so i can rip it hahahha i trade um.. nothing for it.
this morning, smoot the noob (thanks nevertheless) dragged me around park mall looking for "an alternate, air conditioned, shaded, stair-free route" to church by "stalking the green/red shirt guy". she (not we, she) failed utterly, but lucky we had time to waste. sat behind an UBBERR CUTE BABY today liek one of the cuttest noobiest babies ive ever seen hehehe and i waved back when she waved at me.
On the subject of RHCP, my current fav rhcp song is Wet Sand. Here's the first verse:
My shadow's side so amplified
Keeps coming back, dissatisfied
Elementary son, but it's soul
My love affair with everywhere
Was innocent, why do you care
Someone stop the car
Time to go.
You're the best I know.
Keeps coming back, dissatisfied
Elementary son, but it's soul
My love affair with everywhere
Was innocent, why do you care
Someone stop the car
Time to go.
You're the best I know.
The bassline and riffs on this track blow my mind, esp the leet solo at teh end which is supposedly the best instrumental performance by john frusciante in FOREVERR. woo. Peck lemme the album when you buy it so i can rip it hahahha i trade um.. nothing for it.
The reason why I'm a big lp fan is that I think they have the best riffs and tunes on the freaking planet. Their lyrics are pretty angsty but they are the best angsty lyrics ever. And this time Rick Rubin is producing woot. My only concern is that Rick Rubin tends to produce hits and misses. For example he made Californication for the Chilli Peppers which sold tons, but after that he made By the Way which imo was less mainstream, and didnt do too well. Oh well fingers crossed. WAWAHWEEWA!
Well if this album sucks..then Ill probably stop liking LP.
The reason why I'm a big lp fan is that I think they have the best riffs and tunes on the freaking planet. Their lyrics are pretty angsty but they are the best angsty lyrics ever. And this time Rick Rubin is producing woot. My only concern is that Rick Rubin tends to produce hits and misses. For example he made Californication for the Chilli Peppers which sold tons, but after that he made By the Way which imo was less mainstream, and didnt do too well. Oh well fingers crossed. WAWAHWEEWA!
Well if this album sucks..then Ill probably stop liking LP.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Heylo it's my sisters 21st birthday to her!!!! She is now officially an adult im waiting for the time when she gives me angpows hahahhaahha. Anyway since its her birfday tonights post shall be about her. yay!!!!
Me sister studies at the university of melbourne in VETERNARY SCIENCE. Wchih means she treats sick animals like dog cat cow horse sheep frog chicken etcetc. Kekeke maybve only i find this funny but, Some random things:
weiqi* says (8:39 PM):
haha have fun man
today i spent 3 hrs looking at flies and maggot
weiqi* says (8:39 PM):
its disgusting
weiqi* says (8:39 PM):
who the f cares about their un pronouncable names
lip - with or without you says (8:39 PM):
like what
weiqi* says (8:39 PM):
they're FLIES and they are yucks
lip - with or without you says (8:39 PM):
maggotus smellishitest?
lip - with or without you says (8:41 PM):
i know thers a vid of some woman with a worm in her eye blood vessels
weiqi* says (8:41 PM):
yeah that happens too
lip - with or without you says (8:41 PM):
thats effing sick
weiqi* says (8:41 PM):
i hope if i work with sheep next time wont kenna
cos it happens
weiqi* says (8:42 PM):
if you hang around sheep all the time
kenna transfer
lip - with or without you says (8:42 PM):
weiqi* says (8:43 PM):
yeah hahah..... i ate a too steak today
yeah taste kinda like beef
Alright then she went to sleep and im stuk with shitty CT mugging. I have ZERO motivation to study so every hour is pure torture. My sis says that JC is a waste of time sucks up all ur energy and ur time and gives u nothing. I rly hope that isnt true, but right now it really looks like that, i kinda wish i wuz 21 so i could put all teh shit where it should be, behind me.
Once again happe birthday jiejie i promise i will look for online present to deliver to ur doorstep when im not mugging my eyes out. :<
Heylo it's my sisters 21st birthday to her!!!! She is now officially an adult im waiting for the time when she gives me angpows hahahhaahha. Anyway since its her birfday tonights post shall be about her. yay!!!!
Me sister studies at the university of melbourne in VETERNARY SCIENCE. Wchih means she treats sick animals like dog cat cow horse sheep frog chicken etcetc. Kekeke maybve only i find this funny but, Some random things:
weiqi* says (8:39 PM):
haha have fun man
today i spent 3 hrs looking at flies and maggot
weiqi* says (8:39 PM):
its disgusting
weiqi* says (8:39 PM):
who the f cares about their un pronouncable names
lip - with or without you says (8:39 PM):
like what
weiqi* says (8:39 PM):
they're FLIES and they are yucks
lip - with or without you says (8:39 PM):
maggotus smellishitest?
lip - with or without you says (8:41 PM):
i know thers a vid of some woman with a worm in her eye blood vessels
weiqi* says (8:41 PM):
yeah that happens too
lip - with or without you says (8:41 PM):
thats effing sick
weiqi* says (8:41 PM):
i hope if i work with sheep next time wont kenna
cos it happens
weiqi* says (8:42 PM):
if you hang around sheep all the time
kenna transfer
lip - with or without you says (8:42 PM):
weiqi* says (8:43 PM):
yeah hahah..... i ate a too steak today
yeah taste kinda like beef
Alright then she went to sleep and im stuk with shitty CT mugging. I have ZERO motivation to study so every hour is pure torture. My sis says that JC is a waste of time sucks up all ur energy and ur time and gives u nothing. I rly hope that isnt true, but right now it really looks like that, i kinda wish i wuz 21 so i could put all teh shit where it should be, behind me.
Once again happe birthday jiejie i promise i will look for online present to deliver to ur doorstep when im not mugging my eyes out. :<
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Lol peck just to clarify i never said no bad words for you, write whatever you want lol. I say bad words which i really should, but i do anyway when im pissed so itd be pretty hypocritical for me to order anyone around. hahaha. Dont worry bout GP should be fine as long as your not ____ ____ mr p wont give you 1/50. and i got a ____ _____ mark for promos too :<. Pretty tired, cts just seem like an insurmountable 2 weeks ahead of me. already i wish all of this were over. not really sure what i study for nowadays anyway, but nevermind, maybe some day i'll find better motivation. in the meantime, i just have to continue on i guess. Found this song somewhere in my compy, really like it, its "Whisper" from the Gay Knight Elton John.
Lol peck just to clarify i never said no bad words for you, write whatever you want lol. I say bad words which i really should, but i do anyway when im pissed so itd be pretty hypocritical for me to order anyone around. hahaha. Dont worry bout GP should be fine as long as your not ____ ____ mr p wont give you 1/50. and i got a ____ _____ mark for promos too :<. Pretty tired, cts just seem like an insurmountable 2 weeks ahead of me. already i wish all of this were over. not really sure what i study for nowadays anyway, but nevermind, maybe some day i'll find better motivation. in the meantime, i just have to continue on i guess. Found this song somewhere in my compy, really like it, its "Whisper" from the Gay Knight Elton John.
Look at me twice with wildcat eyes
Promise me everything except a blue night
Shudder like ice in cut crystal glass
Melt in embraces of crazy eyed past
And whisper, whisper, whispering whispers
Tantamount to a lie with lingering breath
Walking fingers run, hungry scratches left
Dull chimes ringing like an empty voice
A distant smile framed, her lips are soft and moist
With whispers, whispers, whispering whispers
And whisper in a rhythm your lies
Keep comfort for others
Hurt me with the night
Whisper like cold winds close to the bone
Save heaven for lovers, leave me alone
With your whispers, whispers, whispering whispers
With whispers, whispers, whispering whispers
Promise me everything except a blue night
Shudder like ice in cut crystal glass
Melt in embraces of crazy eyed past
And whisper, whisper, whispering whispers
Tantamount to a lie with lingering breath
Walking fingers run, hungry scratches left
Dull chimes ringing like an empty voice
A distant smile framed, her lips are soft and moist
With whispers, whispers, whispering whispers
And whisper in a rhythm your lies
Keep comfort for others
Hurt me with the night
Whisper like cold winds close to the bone
Save heaven for lovers, leave me alone
With your whispers, whispers, whispering whispers
With whispers, whispers, whispering whispers
Hmm I'm not that happy about gp. I have so much doubt about it that the remote possibility of a C has been slinking about my head. Compre was terrible terrible terrible. How do you not think about it when it pops into your head every 5 min. Damn I need to doublethink. And I'm sort of getting to understand the feeling of 2 minutes hate through these math sessions at night. I react in ways that are really quite over-the-top, unleashing torrents of crappy stuff that I find difficult to suppress. Its freaking farcical to show the finger to h2 math book but hey I HaTeS MaTh in a totally teenage-angsty, i-could-/-my-wrists-over-this kinda way. Its a good way to release pent-up angst I guess. The blog is too, but since weilip adopted a no-bad-word policy, I'm obliged to follow suit, unless in extreme circumstances like 'Fk I failed my lit' or sth.
Oh wells nothing else. And zomg I am being soo lin shi bao for jiao. Pray pray pray for B for GP, God dunt let me screw up plx.
Hmm I'm not that happy about gp. I have so much doubt about it that the remote possibility of a C has been slinking about my head. Compre was terrible terrible terrible. How do you not think about it when it pops into your head every 5 min. Damn I need to doublethink. And I'm sort of getting to understand the feeling of 2 minutes hate through these math sessions at night. I react in ways that are really quite over-the-top, unleashing torrents of crappy stuff that I find difficult to suppress. Its freaking farcical to show the finger to h2 math book but hey I HaTeS MaTh in a totally teenage-angsty, i-could-/-my-wrists-over-this kinda way. Its a good way to release pent-up angst I guess. The blog is too, but since weilip adopted a no-bad-word policy, I'm obliged to follow suit, unless in extreme circumstances like 'Fk I failed my lit' or sth.
Oh wells nothing else. And zomg I am being soo lin shi bao for jiao. Pray pray pray for B for GP, God dunt let me screw up plx.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Historians have like 99 googlemilliantrillionquintogazillion more examples than geoggers for gp. Zz that definitely makes me insecure.
Well nowadays theres really nothing significant to blog about because both our lives have been pretty drab. For example, the only interesting thing about today is that I reaffirmed my hate for integration. Hmmph if integration were a person I'd bite his throat - with a vengeance. Or I'd rip out his spine. Or I'd stab him with a rusty nail. Well the drabness of it all doesn't just come from an obligation to mug, but also from peer pressure. Its overwhelming, but I guess in a good way.
Nvm! More filler pictures! Innocent children ftw

Well nowadays theres really nothing significant to blog about because both our lives have been pretty drab. For example, the only interesting thing about today is that I reaffirmed my hate for integration. Hmmph if integration were a person I'd bite his throat - with a vengeance. Or I'd rip out his spine. Or I'd stab him with a rusty nail. Well the drabness of it all doesn't just come from an obligation to mug, but also from peer pressure. Its overwhelming, but I guess in a good way.
Nvm! More filler pictures! Innocent children ftw

Monday, March 05, 2007
So since KI and GP are in 2 days and everyones sorta stressing out over random things and life and im not concentrating much ATM id thought to post some funny shit i have lying around in my comp. I have. alot. of. this.

Finally the best one that cracked my ribs
hahaha oh well, 10 minutes of reprieve. into the maw we go.
So since KI and GP are in 2 days and everyones sorta stressing out over random things and life and im not concentrating much ATM id thought to post some funny shit i have lying around in my comp. I have. alot. of. this.

Sunday, March 04, 2007
Bah I'm struggling to understand physical geog. Climo is super technical. So far reading through notes has been ok. I think the real angst will start when you need to memorise all the shit and you start forgetting stuff. That's when the expletives flow, where everything else just looks more tempting.
Convo between mum and deaf ama
Ama: What subject is he taking?
Mum: Literature, Mum
Ama: Huh, similang
Ama: Huh....
Ama: huhh...(sheepish look), sorrrie lah I cannnot hearr.
Mum: -ggxxwthbbq-.... AHHH YAAA MUUUUUM I WANT DIE LAH!
Me: o.0 lewl
Convo between mum and deaf ama
Ama: What subject is he taking?
Mum: Literature, Mum
Ama: Huh, similang
Ama: Huh....
Ama: huhh...(sheepish look), sorrrie lah I cannnot hearr.
Mum: -ggxxwthbbq-.... AHHH YAAA MUUUUUM I WANT DIE LAH!
Me: o.0 lewl
i now have 3 dvds of this wu zun guy (who is admittedly cuter than most of the taiwanese/japanese/korean/chinese prettyboys) in my bag to keep them from notti smoots hands so she can study her ki ploperly. maybe ill watch the last episode tonight (though im not really interested) and torment her till tomorrow. hahaha dang that would cost me more than my life though.
In kinda downish mood atm for no real reason i guess, oh well. More dog pix ples. I think he either wants food or wants in, possibly both.
i now have 3 dvds of this wu zun guy (who is admittedly cuter than most of the taiwanese/japanese/korean/chinese prettyboys) in my bag to keep them from notti smoots hands so she can study her ki ploperly. maybe ill watch the last episode tonight (though im not really interested) and torment her till tomorrow. hahaha dang that would cost me more than my life though.
In kinda downish mood atm for no real reason i guess, oh well. More dog pix ples. I think he either wants food or wants in, possibly both.

Saturday, March 03, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007
Hello it is friday. Started off with a real bummer, screwed up my GP presentation pretty badly. My bad really, sloppy info and unclear delivery. 2nd bummer was econs test. After that it was all ok really. Lit and math went pretty smoothly. PE was floorball which was fun. Going to blind school to help out was also pretty slack. Oh wait.. xy said my life was meaningless. Gratz to me :/
Well another interesting random thing happened yesterday. Was preparing to mug for econs when I went into the toilet to wash my feet. Then I noticed that some random flat brown sac that had been lying around for about a week had an opening. And a worm-like creature was crawling out of it. Most fascinating, because I have never seen any insect break out of its pupa before. It's really interesting, because when the worm realises it can't get out of one end, it'll go back into the pupa and trying going out thru the other end. Watched it for a while, mugged some econz...then fell asleep. When I woke up it wasn't in the jar I had put in into anymore. Maybe it escaped..or I sleep-ate it, which I sincerely hope I didn't.

GG Long by the time of the last pix
Anyway I realise I've been tired in school coz I have not been sleeping well. Not that I don't sleep early enough, but I always wake up 1 or 2 times. I should mug too.
Hello it is friday. Started off with a real bummer, screwed up my GP presentation pretty badly. My bad really, sloppy info and unclear delivery. 2nd bummer was econs test. After that it was all ok really. Lit and math went pretty smoothly. PE was floorball which was fun. Going to blind school to help out was also pretty slack. Oh wait.. xy said my life was meaningless. Gratz to me :/
Well another interesting random thing happened yesterday. Was preparing to mug for econs when I went into the toilet to wash my feet. Then I noticed that some random flat brown sac that had been lying around for about a week had an opening. And a worm-like creature was crawling out of it. Most fascinating, because I have never seen any insect break out of its pupa before. It's really interesting, because when the worm realises it can't get out of one end, it'll go back into the pupa and trying going out thru the other end. Watched it for a while, mugged some econz...then fell asleep. When I woke up it wasn't in the jar I had put in into anymore. Maybe it escaped..or I sleep-ate it, which I sincerely hope I didn't.

GG Long by the time of the last pix
Anyway I realise I've been tired in school coz I have not been sleeping well. Not that I don't sleep early enough, but I always wake up 1 or 2 times. I should mug too.