Friday, March 02, 2007


Hello it is friday. Started off with a real bummer, screwed up my GP presentation pretty badly. My bad really, sloppy info and unclear delivery. 2nd bummer was econs test. After that it was all ok really. Lit and math went pretty smoothly. PE was floorball which was fun. Going to blind school to help out was also pretty slack. Oh wait.. xy said my life was meaningless. Gratz to me :/

Well another interesting random thing happened yesterday. Was preparing to mug for econs when I went into the toilet to wash my feet. Then I noticed that some random flat brown sac that had been lying around for about a week had an opening. And a worm-like creature was crawling out of it. Most fascinating, because I have never seen any insect break out of its pupa before. It's really interesting, because when the worm realises it can't get out of one end, it'll go back into the pupa and trying going out thru the other end. Watched it for a while, mugged some econz...then fell asleep. When I woke up it wasn't in the jar I had put in into anymore. Maybe it escaped..or I sleep-ate it, which I sincerely hope I didn't.

GG Long by the time of the last pix

Anyway I realise I've been tired in school coz I have not been sleeping well. Not that I don't sleep early enough, but I always wake up 1 or 2 times. I should mug too.


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