Whew I'm back after the first 2 weeks on tekong. I think very few people can say that they like army life. It's just bloody tiring because for 15 hours a day you are always doing some activity or exercise. And 7 hours of sleep just isn't enough to make up for it so the tiredness kind of snowballs. Bah everyday when you wake up you just want to say fuck. It doesn't help that you fall sick. 31 out of 49 people in my platoon had tekong cough lol. Towards the end I had tekong cough, a clogged nose and rashes so that was mighty unpleasant indeed.
Hmm what else can I say. There is very little freedom in there and a lot of mental reprogramming. Most of what you do is dictated by army standards or rules and you just feel a bit robotic because a lot of instructions and stuff have already been imprinted in your head so you go through the motion. Yeah you don't really think and stuff.
But then again it could be a lot worse. My platoon has reasonably nice sergeants (not so many pushups yet) and my section mates are really nice people. Damn vulgar though. Everything we say is vulgar. Cheebye this cheebye that fuck this fuck that. hahaha its like when the lights out someone will just shout around the bunk FUCK YOU. After you use it so much it just gets funny. Like during area inspection when we're at senang diri my buddy just randomly turned to me and whispered fuck you. Damn guailan and crass but hilarious in the context.
Anyway my platoon is moving ahead with all the big things. We've already had our firing test with live rounds and everything. Dammit man guns are totally overglamourized in hollywood. You don't see rambo or terminator cleaning their barrels for 1 hour with small pieces of oily cloth. For some guns are great they are like one's "wife". I personally find it a liability. So much risk..so many rifle parts you can lose. And you lose a part and you are fucked. Anyway firing with live rounds is kind of exhilarating and scary at the same time.
Yep we have also done 4 km and 6 km marches. Oh yeah my company is also going to field camp on tuesday. It's very rare for that to happen to a january batch platoon before CNY. Yep so 6 days without a bath and no coming back the next weekend. Am I worried? Yes I am. Especially about my eczema. Slacks are killing me. On friday we had to roll around on the ground and dirt got into my pants. That night at home I had my worse urticaria attack in 3 or 4 years. My entire right thigh was engulfed in hives and I had massive itching and rashes under my knees, on my thighs and on my arms. What the fuckkk. I went to see my dermatologist today to get endorsement for rash cream and shit and she said it was pretty bad and if I didn't take care of it it could get infected in the jungle. Zz thanks NS. If my skin fucks up and I get gangrene or something pls tell my mum I love her. By the way one of the days of the week we heard a chopper landing on tekong. Apparently one guy proned and his balls fell on a stump so GGXX. Hmmph hope that doesn't happen to me.
Anyway in the army its difficult to keep up with the outside world. I've been trying to catch up a bit. I know:
- Heath Ledger died wth
- Global markets collapsed amid fears of US recession then rebounded after IR cut
- Djokovic beat Federer, Tsonga beat Nadal, Sharapova beat Henin at Aussie Open
- Cloverfield and Rambo 4 have been released
- Inter won 3-2, 3-0, 3-2 and drew 2-2 with Juve