Yeah after that because of the rain we were playing charades. And then TEA NUMBER 2. Smoods mum made some godlike mash potato with ham and cheeze which was nice but really filling. I only had about 2 helpings. I think xy had about 5 or something. Yeah he likes potato. And like adidi brought those small rainbow biscuit things with the solidified sugar on top which so fitted with the kiddie theme. I loved those when I was young (still do). Yeah the rain was quite a bummer but we all went back to smoods house to change up after that which was a nice intermission. Then DC and Boppana came from wadever council thingy and we had an obstacle course race. We had to read out some lolwth messages I think mine had nani nani poo poo something something. And if I might proudly add I think my team won because I sabotaged DC's task of picking up a toothpick from the soil. I took his and threw it somewhere. Muahahah. MUAHAHAHA
Yeah we then played pass teh parcel. This parcel must have had the most layers I've ever seen. OH HO some of the tasks were off the hook but I don't know if I can say it here. I had to do the waltz with bren, go down on bended knee to flatter cher for one minute (I is sweettalker the woman wuz floored), and be subject to someone kissing my arm (looked like werewolf bite). Yeah I think DC and Martin probably came off the worse. You can ask them if you want. I'm not saying.
Dinner was good. Mmm dinner. Smoods mum like fried about 20 chickens in 3 different ways and had these godlike wantans. My freaking gosh the wantans were....were...godlike! There's no superlative better than that is there. They were so nice and crispy and the prawn filling was good too. And teh popcorn chicken was lovely. It's like dem things were alive in my mouth still popping. Yeah we finished pass the parcel after that and then played PINATA. I've never played with one in my life and its really great fun for the group. I think Boppana broke the stick instead of the pinata -_-. Yeah then I think martin broke its ass (literally) and we all had sweets after that. Cher took home the broken horsey but I think its a gonner. I wouldn't want to live if I had a broken ass.
Yeah it was great fun. And I saw smoods whole family playing wii in one room and damn that was so cool. I would do a lot of things just to get my family to game or have these kinds of interactive sessions that stray from the boring ol family dinners. It's just that my mum is not open to this kinda thing. She always says her hand-eye coordination is bad, which is true, but still the wii isn't about mastering a game, it's about everyone trying and screwing up and laughing and having fun. Yeah if you're lucky you'll master it. That's an added bonus. I'm almost certain if I get a fishing game on the wii for my dad he'll be hooked (haha Im funny) because the wii is perfectly made for fishing games. Or even time crisis (my dad likes that too). My mum maybe I'll get her mahjong or the cooking thing smood talked about. I mean if 80 year old grandmas can bowl a strike on wii bowling I'm quite sure my noob mum can cook a plate of fried rice with the wiimote. It's all about being receptive to new media.
Anyway today I went to pick up some gaylord tights on martins recommendation to prevent groin abrasion. And in the shop I saw Inter's new centenary shirt. OMg had to buy. 110 bucks but its ok because inter shirts are really hard to find in singapore. Even queensway. This one didn't have a name behind but by the end of the year I want to buy the ibrahimovic one from queensway. But thats like 11 letters so the price should blow me away.

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