The F1 night race was really exciting! Not so much for the driving but rather the sheer number of incidents that impacted the final standings. Best of all I thought the entire look of the race was fabulous. On the outside it looked grand and magnificent, on the track it looked tough and gruelling. It's a great combination. As much as I will run away from singapore in times of war, I do get sucked into these grand events and feel a great sense of patriotism when they impress on an international level. But anyway they should try to improve overtaking opportunities, especially if Singapore wants to compete with Monaco as the premier f1 race.

Massa is an F1nooblet. He got raped by a fuel pipe.
Ah I just got a PSP to pass the time in camp. Some of the guys in my branch kindly helped me with the purchase and put lots of games inside. Honestly I'm not that huge a fan of handheld consoles because of my big clunky fingers of phail that don't maneuver the directional buttons too well but I'm slowly adapting. Ridge Racer is pretty fun. I'm just mindlessly drifting around but it's kinda exhilarating at the same time. Playing Bomberman is also very nostalgic. Along with the PSP I bought a Razor DeathAdder to replace my MX510. Mm I am liking it.
I'm just waiting for the Milan Derby at the moment so nothing much to do. Well I've been reading some blogs and hearing about people and it seems that everyone outside of army is growing up and maturing in life while people like me are kinda regressing and stagnating like a lump of turd. Well to be honest sometimes I don't mind this lull period of NS. Growing up has all sorts of connotations. It's stressful and I'm not sure the lazy biatch in me wants to yet.