So while I was out yesterday my parents attended the Benny Hinn Healing Night at Singapore Expo. They said it wasn't quite explosive as the last time but still was pretty crazy. But more disturbing than anything Benny Hinn made some messed up prophecy. He said Benjamin Netanyahu (leader of the Likud parteh in Israel) would become president this election or next election and then he would be killed by radicals. Seriously WTF? Hinn's success in prophecy like my IPPT pass rate. Even pastor Kong during this morning's service expressed his reservations about it and how we should just wait and see. If there's one thing I dislike intensely about the style of american tele-evangelists is that they make stupid predictions that pretty much don't come true. It completely undercuts the religion and makes it look phony. Bah.
Anyway from my lone experience from the Asia Conference, it's clearly not aimed at the normal congregation. Rather it's trying to impress delegates and impress upon them what they "should" be doing for their church. In fact it seems that the sermons are taking a backseat to the showboating session. I'm not saying it's wrong. It's just bloody overkill. For example in today's sermon they had the normal glitzy singing, then the choir, then the orchestra then Don Moen singing again. All this was interspersed with videos. It wasn't commercial but it seemed like an extremely commercial spectacle. fried my brain and made me long for a sermon which is almost always never.
Oh ya Inter beat Juventus 1-0 this morning. I was so damn happy. It was just a great, dominating performance.
And you know, sometimes the army is such a frustrating place. The red-tape, the politics and the inflexible people you meet. Sometimes this is exactly how I feel on Fridays.