The geog guys had an outing today and I enjoyed myself! Highlight of my month really. We first went to manhattan fish market at plaza sing to eat lunch. I know lots of people say that the place is fabulous and all, but to me the food screamed more quantity than quality. Reasonably good but not stunning. After that we ate some fried mars bars from Chippy's. The dude was pretty stingy with the ice-cream. It was a blob not a scoop.

Yeah after that we went to catch Body of Lies at Vivo (Don't ask me how is it that we didn't buy tickets at the PS cinema, I screwed up). The movie was quite entertaining though it had some flaws that got on my nerves. It's very jumpy from location to location and because of that the plot loses it's fluidity. Also Russell Crowe just doesn't get to shine in this. But I think we all agreed that Mark Strong, the British actor who played Hani the head of Jordanian Intelligence
was definitely the standout. He exuded this incredible coolness and style that screamed "Dunt mess with me I am imba".
Hani makes Leo look like a Pansy

After that we headed over to Carl's Jnr for dinner and to talk somemore crap. Ah geog guy conversations are most fascinating. They range from the incredibly trivial to the dead-serious to the past to the present and to the future.
Yeah and check this trailer out for The Wrestler, which stars Mickey Rourke as a down and out wrestler. It's a sort of parallel of his real life, because he was once a hollywood superstar that ruined his face with plastic surgery (like MJ) and whose career went into downslide. This won the Best Film at the Venice Film Fest and has been touted as a major Oscar contender. Looks unbelievable.
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