Monday, October 15, 2007


Aiks my com crashed yesterday. Very timely huh. Com kept rebooting and getting the blue screen of doom. Thankfully kwt could come over today and move the hard drive to the other com. Much thanks dude. He also convinced me to download the radiohead album, so I did for free. I'm alright with radiohead. Some of their songs are pure gold like Karma Police and High and Dry but damn some others are way too eclectic for me. It's like Thom Yorke will wail like an offkey banshee and funny guitar riffs will play and other random stuff. But then again their music is very polarizing. Kwt said that they're like coldplay on steroids, and that totally appeals to him. And that's what doesn't quite appeal to me. There's a certain aimlessness about the music and Yorke's mumbling that gets to me sometimes.

That's not to say I don't like unstructured stuff (bohemian rhapsody is wonderful), or that I'm a pawn of the commercial world. I'm just of the opinion that for the most part, critical acclaim can intersect with music that's smooth on the ears. Just look at teh Beatles or U2 or RHCP (well most of the time anyways). I like looking out for these kinda songs, like With or Without You or Yesterday. Maybe that's why artists like radiohead, dylan or kate bush fall by the wayside of my playlists. Ah my bad perhaps.

Eh why am I suddenly trying to be pseudo-cheem (thats one level below pseudo-cheem :/)? Damn math must be messin with me mind. Or must be the time


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