Saturday, October 06, 2007


Yeah so yesterday I was telling my mum that my ipod has been spoiled for about 6 months now. It can't sync with my computer and the battery is pretty effed up. I do miss having a hardcore music player (my dopod can only hold about 200 songs max, so that means I have to be extra selective) so I was throwing around the idea of getting a nano, which my mum rejected outright. She was like "I dinch noe it wuz spoilt" and like "I'll bring it to repair tomorrow" so I was like *moangrumblemehhzzplanfail.

So today she brought it to the apple shop and the man said my ipod had pretty much imploded and conked out. Ah. Basically my mum tends to oscillate very quickly from one view to another. If it ain't broke why fix it. BUT if it is broke, then get a new one :). So she was calling me from the ipod shop telling me the options. Well I wasn't quite sure.

She initially gave me 2 choices. The 8 gig ipod nano (with video and all) or the 80 gig classic ipod (with video and all too). And I was just checking out the reviews and that left me in an even greater rut. The 80 gig ipod is apparently laggy while the ipod nano, at a measly 8 gig, doesn't seem to do justice to its video capabilities. The nano in question is the 2nd generation nano because the 3rd generation nano is plain fugly.


Then a 3rd option crept into my mind..slowly. What about the 16 gig ipod touch? My mum checked it out and said it was really beautiful. 16 gig isn't huge, but its ample. I'm not exactly watching movies on the ipod anyway, so I certainly won't have huge 3 gig files in the ipod.

Well I still have lots of concerns though. It is pricey and it does seem awfully indulgent considering I already have a dopod. Hmm despite the fact that I may be rather spendthrift on small things, I do have reservations when it comes to more expensive items (thats why I wear cheapass shirts and have zero jeans -_-). So option 4 would nothing at all. Any suggestions kwt?


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