Sunday, July 01, 2007


Yeah smoods imba bday parteh on friday was really fun. I don't think I've had such awesomely frivolous good time this year. I felt kinda manly so I decided to take taxi+public transport to east coast. YA THEN LIP TRIK ME. He told me tampines mrt nearest to east coast so I wuz like no shit im gonna ride the mrt for 19 stops to tampines, then take a short cab ride to east coast. Turns out its closer to bedok, so my cabride was like 10 bucks -_-. Zz I know jack about the east.

Haha so when we went there our first task was to saikang to make water bomb. Then...we became the saikang of the saikang because overlordess tanneh and cher tell us to fill 121289042 bags for them to tie. Wah liew the waves man high. Then I became the saikang of the saikang of the saikang because I became a human water bomb hanger for wilson to hang 50 bombs on my left wrist -_-. DC was like trying to be delicate and all because he's scared of water touching his thunder thighs and tickling his hairy legs but he still got pwnt. Oh ya then we make pretty words in the sand.

Ya then after that we hide like stealth ninja behind big trees that had these godlike red ants. I was kinda scared because earlier in the week I had watched this video about gigantinormous bullet ants, where when they bite u it hurts like a bullet for 24 hours. So when teddy say these critters are fireants my incredibly quick linear mind told me the bite probably hurts like fire. So yeah I was jumpy.

Ya then probably one of the weirdest happenings of the day was when this bulldozer came and then(so we thought) bulldozed the awesome words we had made in the sand for smood (in 1 hr). We were like HOLY SHIT WHAT THE POCK BASSSSTARRD COME BACK HERE and coz we were talking about the kickass movie transformers earlier the rest were like WTF MEGATRON. Haha turns out the guy quite politely circumvented the words, even making a lovely outline.

Yeah then smood came and we sprung out of our shrouded ninja lair and shouted SURPRIZE! Well the timing was a little off because as it turned out, we forgot to take into account the distance and the lag time needed to run from behind the tree to there and surprise her so she was probably more perturbed that 2 screaming overweight dudes (the happynooblets) suddenly started charging towards her from behind the distant tree.

Disneyland icecream cake was great. Lip did his part for the torture porn industry by slicing up 7 lovely princesses. Then after that we had a KICKASS SEAWATERBOMB FIGHT. I think xy came out the worst in that, as we unleashed our jealous rage on the academic demigod. Yeah it was great fun. I was headshotting tons of people and like lobbing waterbombs onto cher and smood. But hell those things hurt a lot at close range when they are filled to the brim. And saltwater in your eye is hella irritating. After that the guys decided to dunk xy. I had no idea until I saw them carrying him to the ocean. It kinda failed but nvm he still got pwned.

After that had random party games. Lip and I got 2nd last in 3 legged race because we tied the last team up with rafia. I got pwned in blindman game by smood. Charades were fun. After that we went off to bathe and go for dinner.

Dinner was great. The company was good, as was the food. Really enjoyed it. I was a little tired from the afternoon so I preferred to listen to the conversations (and eat) but man lip's trash talking was freaking hilarious. He was in top form that night and we were all like LOLOLWTF?. Adidi bren and martin also came for dinner and poor dee really didnt have that much to eat. Some awesome dishes included the stunning deepfried soft-shell crab, some beef thing and ice-cream puffs! Ya much thx to smoods mum for paying for the imba meal. It was a good day.


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