Hello. Sorry we havent been posting stuff up but lifes been shitting on us during the cts. Anyway its over hence cause for celebration! Lip and I went out to eat lunch at nydc before catching transformers at cine. Yeah lunch was pretty decadent. The movie was absolutely awesome. I mean when you decide to go and watch transformers, you pretty much aren't expecting the freaking nuances of life fleshed out on screen. What you want is testosterone-chocked fist-pumping action, and it delivered. I can safely say, even without watching spiderman 2, that this is, and will be THE BEST action movie of 2007. The storyline was not bad and I thought Shia Lebouf was great as the nerdy Sam. His acting is pretty good and he's real funny. Overall the humour really wasn't overdone
And of course the robots! The CG is really unsurpassed here, though I suspect that the movie makers were avoiding having 2 robots clearly fighting on screen ala neo vs agent smith because it would have cost more. Nevertheless the fight sequences were mindblowing. Kungfu moves, guns, lasers, mesmorizing stuff. Even the robot transformations are slick and cool. Bumblebee in particular is also quite human. Really became quite endearing. My only gripes are that certain scenes (e.g. robots outside parents house) are a tad too long, there are plot loopholes (how the man do u destroy the allspark) and that the decepticons are way more powerful than the autobots. And they have cooler vehicles too (f22, mammoth tank, wth!). Optimus came across as a little w3ak as well, being tossed around like a pansy for a bit.
The reviews in the straits times are total bullshit. I just find that Ong Sor Fern went into this movie looking for some literary imagery or sth and really nuanced plot/characters. It's just not gonna happen. I mean the cartoons themselves were a very straightforward good vs evil fight, pitting upright values like integrity against that of indifferent evil. I don't think Michael Bay or Steven Spielberg are going to try to input boliao meanings into the thing that will irritate the fanboys or convolute the movie. I also find that certain critics go into a movie like this looking for a Bourne Identity or a Bourne Supremacy with a wonderfully twisted plot and more subtle action. It's quite obvious that it's far more difficult with a bunch of large robots and source material that demands linear simplicity (and badass action). I personally thought there were cool enough twists.
Anyways it was an action movie with a fresh concept with action and subplots (however cliche) that were done extremely well. That alone deserves merit. And the other noob that claims that he is a fanboy has no idea. He claimed there was not enough cheesey moments. I'm not a fanboy and I can say there was. There is no other movie where a giant robot or human can muse aloud for 10 lines about ideals and choice. 2 stars by by OSF is a freaking travesty coz This movie blows pirates 3 out of the water. Totally felt indignant about the review because in US this movie has been wowing critics - all of which recognise that it is after all an action movie. I can see another purely simplistic why OSF wouldn't like it though. Most women don't dig cars, action, violence or cheap humour.
Oh ya 2 pictures from hemmy. Camouflaged people.

Hello. Sorry we havent been posting stuff up but lifes been shitting on us during the cts. Anyway its over hence cause for celebration! Lip and I went out to eat lunch at nydc before catching transformers at cine. Yeah lunch was pretty decadent. The movie was absolutely awesome. I mean when you decide to go and watch transformers, you pretty much aren't expecting the freaking nuances of life fleshed out on screen. What you want is testosterone-chocked fist-pumping action, and it delivered. I can safely say, even without watching spiderman 2, that this is, and will be THE BEST action movie of 2007. The storyline was not bad and I thought Shia Lebouf was great as the nerdy Sam. His acting is pretty good and he's real funny. Overall the humour really wasn't overdone
And of course the robots! The CG is really unsurpassed here, though I suspect that the movie makers were avoiding having 2 robots clearly fighting on screen ala neo vs agent smith because it would have cost more. Nevertheless the fight sequences were mindblowing. Kungfu moves, guns, lasers, mesmorizing stuff. Even the robot transformations are slick and cool. Bumblebee in particular is also quite human. Really became quite endearing. My only gripes are that certain scenes (e.g. robots outside parents house) are a tad too long, there are plot loopholes (how the man do u destroy the allspark) and that the decepticons are way more powerful than the autobots. And they have cooler vehicles too (f22, mammoth tank, wth!). Optimus came across as a little w3ak as well, being tossed around like a pansy for a bit.
The reviews in the straits times are total bullshit. I just find that Ong Sor Fern went into this movie looking for some literary imagery or sth and really nuanced plot/characters. It's just not gonna happen. I mean the cartoons themselves were a very straightforward good vs evil fight, pitting upright values like integrity against that of indifferent evil. I don't think Michael Bay or Steven Spielberg are going to try to input boliao meanings into the thing that will irritate the fanboys or convolute the movie. I also find that certain critics go into a movie like this looking for a Bourne Identity or a Bourne Supremacy with a wonderfully twisted plot and more subtle action. It's quite obvious that it's far more difficult with a bunch of large robots and source material that demands linear simplicity (and badass action). I personally thought there were cool enough twists.
Anyways it was an action movie with a fresh concept with action and subplots (however cliche) that were done extremely well. That alone deserves merit. And the other noob that claims that he is a fanboy has no idea. He claimed there was not enough cheesey moments. I'm not a fanboy and I can say there was. There is no other movie where a giant robot or human can muse aloud for 10 lines about ideals and choice. 2 stars by by OSF is a freaking travesty coz This movie blows pirates 3 out of the water. Totally felt indignant about the review because in US this movie has been wowing critics - all of which recognise that it is after all an action movie. I can see another purely simplistic why OSF wouldn't like it though. Most women don't dig cars, action, violence or cheap humour.
Oh ya 2 pictures from hemmy. Camouflaged people.

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