Thursday, May 17, 2007


EMO POST (with not so emo-additions from random person. HAHA)

Hello! Today ended on a pretty melancholic yet good (at the same time), note. Was more or less the last day for CIP at toapayoh care corner (with smoot and tanneh), as we break for CT mugging for at least 1-2 months or forever. Although Ive been there the shortest, it was still kinda sad to realise that we wont be going there for our weekly insane/hysterical/completely draining/screamy/laugh till tears come out/face stuffing with snacks de-stress sessions for both the kids and the real delinquents - us (speak for yourself).

Well I guess for me it all started sometime last year when I was looking around for something better to do with my life and sort of hijacked tanneh's and smoot's cip. My first visit was kinda O.O cuz we had all these screamy kids running around wielding cushions and chairs and running around with the energy of about 1000 energizer bunnies on crack and redbull. It struck me how just 8 or so years ago I was just like that, but probably at home comfortably reading a book or playing some comp games, not having to worry about school or things in general, when some of these kids dont even have that wonderful homes to go home to after school.

So we make crazy art and craft things, play leetarded games like uglyuglyugly and flootgame and munchkins LOL and pool and taboo (which is really fun in broken chinese btw) hoping that maybe in some ways to help. The farm outing seems so long ago, but yea, I still remember all the funny shit that happened during that.

And now i guess i wont really be able to see the crazy monkey guy (that tried to bite... LOL) (it wasnt the crazy monkey guy who tried to bite smoot, it was the calm and quiet little boy who did that. the crazy monkey guy was just crazy), the gay kid (my nephew LOL), the gang leader, and the small nooby cute girl (she looked like dora the explorer)anymore, among many other happy brothers, sisters, friends, schoolmates and happy faces. Even if we go back after the CTs (which i doubt), i doubt things will be the same. Just recognizing that this is more or less THE end makes me really sad. So whereever you are (even if youll probably never ever read this), or turn out to be, you little monkeys, i really wish you all the best and really, God bless.

Also, i guess to me thursday meant something special. In the middle of a horrid week, after a horridly long day, it was nice to know that at least for one afternoon you could forget all the shit bothering you about school, work, life in general, to haave fun, eat rubbish and do rubbishy things like shop in the 1 buck shop for cheap snacks from indonesia or vietnam or pots knows where. And ive really got to thank smoot and tanneh for that. Stuff like this keeps school meaningful and me sane.

So today smoot kicked my ass at pool (I WAS RUSTY - no you suck) and after a while we just sat down at a table to help (watch tanneh - that sounds wrong you weirdo) make thank you cards for the lovely permanent volunteers who're there every freaking day. I really really respect these people who do things like this (at the age when almost everyone is trying to make their fortune) for not much reason except sheer commitment to the hopeful faces flocking to that small room every afternoon. And sorry we forgot your name wei hao. HAHHA. As we sign out on the volunteer sheet the last time, and walk out the door without interupting the play of the kids, I cant help but sigh inwardly. Things are moving so quickly now, I cant bear to imagine all the goodbyes we have to say to things eventually and inexorably. At least it really was great while it lasted.


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