Sunday, February 11, 2007

lippost --- INDUCTION CAMP

Oh well where to start... Maybe with the fact that it's over! Big thanks to all those who worked themselves to the floor to get this going - the whole comm esp gen and peck the uber games comm people (its a wonder how games turned out better than everything else planned hahaha). Thanks for everything - late nights, stressy shit, random angst, many many bad words, all the laughter and fun we had at the end. I'd like to say it's all worth it! Thanks also to boodi for being the bestest smswaster on the world you kept me alive D: I realised i haven't started yet, guess Ill just go through some of the highlights.


Icebreakers - was pretty boring save for one game - the screaming wtf game. Basically what you do is close your eyes with your head down, in a circle, and at the count of 3 look up at one person you decided on, straight into his/her eyes. If you make eye contact, scream. hHHAhah. Didnt accomplish anything whatsoever but was funny as hell esp when yong was screaming louder than the j1s combined and acting like a complete freak.

Games - Since im 1/3 of supreme game overlords i spent most of my afternoon running around like a mad chicken from station to station repeating the following "are groups * and * here yet is everything going alright do you need more materials". In the 15 or so seconds i have to observe the games they went pretty alright, though one station got scrapped and improvised into poison ball. Best by far was captain's lol the sight of a mandarin orange/tomato/cauliflower flying through the air and splattingon the ground drove me insane with laughter. though i think only yong james and i found it omghilarious the other j2s didnt find it THAT funny heehee oh well.

Wargames - sucked. too messy too violent to disorganised TOO MANY CHITTERS. but my group won. yay.

NIGHTWALK - HORRIBLE. For me at least. The psyche-up leading to it was pretty cool, yong and i perfected our deadmanwalking thing to look really disturbing but not many j1s were scared by us. Had this pwnage girl called xiaoxiao doing the same corridor as us and she OWNED some girls really bad by screaming like a banshee when they passed her. that cracked me up and i was rolling around laughing at the nooby j1s. I got so stoned at around 1am thereabouts that i just lay on the floor acting like a dead body. sighs. No one got really REALLY scared and some ugly ugly drama unfolded. Urgh hates idiotic j1s why cant they be normal (or at least like us) and perverts should really be shot or lynched.

Sentry duty was pretty fun (well i mean it felt alright cuz it was cool/cold outside the indoor gym and we could talk shit there for as long as we wanted. Yong woke up with a bump on his head cuz a centipede/alien insect bit him. laughed my head off cuz peck xy and i were safe. :D Its also kind of therapeutic to shout into the night about any damn thing you want without having to bother.

Day 2 was alright, played captains ball + frisbee cuz both activities originally planned had to be scrapped. Fell asleep in the hall on the floor and nearly got crushed by a captains ball player. woo.

Funny the things i remember, i dont know my group well cuz i spent most of my time running around or being stoned after running around. Guess i only remember the worst times and the times where im doubling over in laughter at some stupid utterly retarded antic or line. hahah oh well. oh and lunch rotted in our room which is why the 4 of us volunteered to do sentry duty. hawhaw.

Oh well everythings over now guess Im glad that things went preeety smoothly (couldve been alot alot worse). Its monday already sigh time to get through yet another week, TPTPRAPYAY.


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