Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Yep yep lips right.. so far its been a fugly week.

But hey, attending rayner's concert today was a brief respite. Though classical music is certainly not my thing, I have actually acquired a remarkable threshold for it. The first half was actually quite enjoyable, but in the second half the length and soft dreaminess of the pieces knocked out smood and I out for staccato periods (1337 jargon). Haha it was actually quite entertaining wally and smood were making funny comments throughout while annliang was telling me about the two girls in front of us and their lesbian tendencies. On the way to the MRT, we also laughed our guts out when recounting annliang and his policeman peculiarities. I swear he's a real nice guy and friend, but at the same time the policeman in him just stuns everyone at times, in a fun way of course.

I really like laughing (genuine laughter of course). Today after laughing so hard I felt tingly and happy all over. It didn't last, but for like 10 minutes I felt that nothing could put me down. It was really uplifting.


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