Thursday, February 08, 2007

week is not getting any better though my throat is letting up a little (is now replaced with a minor though consistent stomach growling brought about by panadols). all the stressy stuff coming up just not doing me any good. dad and mum have been really nice these days though. yay for them.

on a random note, i think i've tried to take things too seriously this year and have forgotton (a little, ok alot) how to laugh. after reading pecks and smoots post i do feel a little longing for moments as such, though they just dont seem to be coming along for me anymore.

Today was a little reprieve though, taking another set of neoprintzwhoo smoot looks completely rofl in one hahahhahahaha.

oh well, this week will end, and so will the next, and maybe things will look up from then on.


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