Friday, February 09, 2007

Heyo what a week. I'm rather tired. There's still interact camp tomorrow though. I hope the games don't screw up.

Went to holland v with my parents just now to buy tomatoes for games. As I waited outside Watsons while memum bought diapers for my ama, I saw this old lady walk up to the garbage bin and stick her arm into it. Trying (unsuccessfully) to find cans I think. She looked a little senile, a little jaded. And a sudden sense of moral justice came upon me that no one should be doing that kind of shit to make a living. Not at that age, not rummaging through rubbish at 11 pm at night. There are no 2 ways about it, its just makes you feel all lousy inside to see ppl like that. Ppl who can't get work, can't move properly, can't get progress package..ppl who have nothing much to progress for. Stuck in my mind really.


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