Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hello Valentine's Day was quite enjoyable. Turned out that my 2 ownage valentines were smood and cher. Can't get much better than that. I got some 2782372 calorie bag of godlike chocolate cookies from cher and a really super cool top spinning thing from smood, where you can have like 5 tops spinning on top of each other. Like wtfwtfbbq? So far I've gotten to 3 but its freaking fascinating! Sneaky girls completely pwnt me, and passed my earlier interrogation with no problems at all. Smood also duped me into thinking she was annliangs valentine -.- Many many thanks to my valentines for collectively dumping lots of fun stuff and sneaky notes on me.

And I'm quite happy that RAP is just about done. The grp's been chionging the past few days so we're glad its nearly over (rayner editing atm). yayayayay!

In other news, the fatigue has continued. Today I nearly fell asleep in Mr. P's lesson and I conked out for the first time in Mr. B's lesson. I have no idea why I was so tired today. I slept at like...11.30? That's really early. It's kinda worrying.

And I just rmbed that my relatives from Malaysia are coming over on friday. Doh a bit of a letoff really.

Enough worrying then, today was a good day. I talked to xy today. It's quite enjoyable talking to him because he's real good at articulating thoughts and feelings. He's also got lotsa wisdom from coolnerds like Goethe and Nietzsche. Woot he's some overman.

Shrek the Third trailer


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