Friday, November 24, 2006


Woo its been a busy and fun 2 days.

Well yesterday zhenghong, lip and alvin yong came over to watch RHCP at slane castle. It was pretty good. Flea's hyper while John Frusciante looks like he's on the verge of druggy OD. ZH and yong were telling sick kokster jokes, we ate a mountain of doritos and we youtubed like crazy.

In other news, my sandals got destroyed yesterday. Was walking out to the bus stop(had an umbrella coz drizzling), and the moment I walked out of the gate some typhoon started. Gaylord heavy, and I got smashed walking up the slope because it's like a freaking river. My Hush Puppies drowned duh. Stupid mother nature. Playing games with my ass.

Yeah so lip stayed over. We did thimun (he did, I tried..), and then we watched Ice Age 2. It's funny but half the story doesn't really follow the plotline.

So that leads us to today. Went with lip, tanneh, smoot and smoots mum for toa payoh care corner outing. We visited a gazillion farms. Some of the kids are pretty irritating. For example I got this indian boy-girl sibling duo of destruction. Kept shouting their asses off. Random things like "SHADDAP", "GIMME YUR HANDPHONE", and "EH SISTA SUMAE" wth.

For like the first 5 hours I kept my cool, before like the boy started screaming in my ear about some handphone. Now that ticked me off. So I was rather blunt to him. "stop shouting can? It's freaking irritating". Unkind, admittedly, but necessary for my sanity.

Then another duo of destruction, some 11 year old girl and her 4 year old brother. Both speak like americans, and both can be rather demanding. Midway they started fighting over the use of a handphone. Smashed each other to tears. Somemore the girl saikang me to carry her bag -_-


Goat farm - Well... goats. The dude presenting during the milking was totally holier than thou lah. Faggot was like totally unenthusiastic and condescending. Like he was saying "The goats are behaving better than you ah boys and girls". Piece of shit just coz you like know more about milking goat titties than us doesnt mean crap about your standard of professionalism. Jackass. Anyway the children enjoyed themselves though I was holding the hand of the 4 year old psuedo-american boy because he was scared. I think he had a bad experience with goats before so I really didn't mind. And hes cute so that adds brownie points.

Cuteboy: (softly, earnestly)..........Here got dragon?
Me: Ah yo here no dragon lah!
Cuteboy:........Here got cat?
Me: AH Yo! There are only goats here!

Frog Farm - This was actually pretty good, albeit the fishyness. There were like hundreds of frogs taopoking in the corner of the enclosures. And they rear like sea snails which lay radioactive pink eggs. Looked like tumours. Brrr...Smoot wanted to frollick with the frogs.

Hydroponics farm - I have to admit this one was pretty boring. We had lunch here and lip and I had to brave the massive typhoon to get stuff from the bus. We got gayed badly.

Cow farm - Argubly the highlight and the lowlight of the trip. The dude there looked pretty crusty and world-weary. No surprise considering the state of the farm. A heavenly smell of faeces wafted up our nostrils, saturating our clothes and orifices. It stunned, shocked, wowed our senses into a frenzy. Thats right, little mountains of goodness crossing our paths every now and then. Anyway cows are sick. They are big, huge, stinky, and promiscuous. One of the dudes was so scared he jumped onto me and bit my tummy. Whatever for I dont know but it hurt. The trip was memorable, littered with expletives and collective disapproval all around.

Yeah after all that the 4 of us went out for a while. Watched Casino Royale which is a SUPERB MOVIE. I implore you to watch this because the storyline gives Bond so much more emotional dimension, and the action is superb. And at 2.5 hours its good value for money. WATCH PLEASE.

Anyway the wide variety of food that was consumed in the course of today has effectively messed up my stomach. Goats milk + curry noodle + snacks + mcflurry + nachos + chicken rice = implosion. Basically goats milk doesnt go with anything. Earlier lip was having some tummy trouble, and now I am feeling the very same painus in my anus.

Ok then thx smoot and smoot mum for trip and thx tanneh lip for company.

Anyway, this the funniest advert I have EVER seen. Cheers Beer everyone.


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