Monday, November 20, 2006


Hello everybody. Finished reading Night by Elie Weasel sometime in the wee hours of this morning. Rather vivid recount, and its sad because everything is rather numbed. Technically speaking an easy book to read. About 120 pages. Now I'm like courting death by starting on Globalization and its Discontents by Stiglitz. I'm so gonna raid it for Geog L3 examples.

Anyway its rather hard to find people to watch Casino Royale. And like if you cant find a cool group of people, its hard to motivate yourself to get out of the house as well. Yeah but I understand that this movie cannot possibly appeal to the female gender. Hot babes, guns, cars, gaylord-ugly spy protagonist...what more could women not want?

Anyway these are some really good shows that are considered Oscar Contenders

The Queen Comedy/Drama about Queen Elizabeth II. Helen Mirren is nearly confirmed to be the front runner for the best actress Oscars. Rottentomatoes gave it a near flawless 98%, which is phenomenal

Dreamgirls - Some 1960s afro-american musical thing. There's Beyonce, Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Hudson. Doesn't interest me

Shows that could be good:

The Pursuit of Happyness: Will Smith emos his ass off

Apocalypto: Mel Gibson ownz the Mayan empire

Letters from Iwo Jima: War film. Mostly looking at Ken Watanabe performance. Actually thinking of it, his name is rather humorous. Ken Wat-a-nabe. haha bad joke.

Anyway Simpsons movie teaser. I think its pretty good for a teaser


Blogger char said...

eh casino royale is exactly the kind of show I like to watch :P action, thrill, suspense, secret agents, hot people, etc etc! hahaha. :D

12:17 AM  
Blogger dan said...

AH YO are you the sister char or are you the class mate char!!

Either way you are a cool girl ^^

9:09 PM  
Blogger char said...

classmate char! I realise I can't tag on your blog cos your sister also char :D

10:44 AM  

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