Friday, January 12, 2007

Yesterday night something rather unusual happened. Now I have arachnophobia aka fear of spiders. Like its just a creepy crawly thing. I abhor them, I hate them, put a big one real close to me and I scream like a woman on crack. Then again its not as bad as cockroaches.

So I was hohum lets try and do 1 pullup on my pullup bar and so I switched on the light. And there is a small spider in the incipient stages of spinning its web between my pullup bar and the ceiling. Of course im on red alert. Obviously I had to prevent this travesty from happening. Now even though I'm scared of spiders in general, I do have the guts to squash small ones. So I take a tissue paper and carefully grasp at the moving black thingy in the air. And in true blur fashion I missed.

Point is the spider aint there anymore. And so I'm going a bit paranoid coz he could be crawling on my arse or something. So I look around for it. And suddenly I notice that there is a long silken thread sticking to the tissue in my hand. And there was the spider on the end of it. It was almost surreal. The spider was climbing back up its thread. And I jiggled the thread and it dropped back down to the end. I...was holding....a freaking spider YOYO! WTH!

Well I was bobbing it up and down partly coz I was scared it would crawl up to my hand but I also wanted to take a picture because its just so bizarre. Yeah but I stupidly decided to on the fan in my room and it started blowing the thread (and spider) near to my body and so in a fit of hysteria I dropped it and the thread broke before I could snap a pix with my other hand -_-. Doh and then of course then I killed the critter because it defiled my pullup bar.

It was so queer. So very queer. And you might think that I've like lost me mind from years of gorging junk food but its the whole truth man!

Below shows the repeated action of bouncing the spider. I must have bounced it like 10 times at least.

Anyway today was rather boring. For me personally it was more like waiting for the week to come to a close. RAP was fine, then we annihilated the gargoi-inspired games hq proposed for recas. Hmm I actually did go for the bb house party with xy and char but for a non bb, non-j1 like me it was hella boring. Particularly because in its initial stages it centred around sports and stuff. Food was average, ice-cream servings were a little on the small side. Xy the spoiler, however, guilt-tripped me into not lubbing more ice-cream because there is fake napfa next week =.= Bah hope that symbolic sacrifice really counts in getting that elusive 1 pullup. Anyway at least had the 2 of them to talk to.

Anyways aunts and uncles and family from australia coming down in a few days. Gonna be really disruptive. Bah leave me be please.


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