Thursday, January 11, 2007

Heyo. Fell asleep early yesterday at about 8 pm. Was seriously exhausted from cca feste, plus my stomache was a little queasy from eating those cheese-chocked burrito things from 7-11. My innards were churning like crazy.

Well nth much happened today. Had tiring PE, got pwnt in geog (asleep prev night so never prepare. I THINK smoot got pwnt too but she was rescued by michelle's timely intervention). Then I decided to take a taxi home because of math tuition and the really heavy rain. And i got really pissed off because some stupid biyatch stole my taxi in my face.

So coz of the rain taxis were not easy to flag at the stop outside the front of the canteen. And then when the first taxi came I saw like wangting (bb dude who writes 1337 plays for fun) and this other man like jostling to flag it, and since they were there first, and were competing until damn hiong I backed down abit. So after they both got cabs, I thought the coast was clear.

So there I was flagging cabs, and then an available taxi did come. And it had just stopped in front of my waving hand when some woman with a red umbrella charged out of RJ and fucking koped it in my face. I was stunned beyond words, partly because her red umbrella was chucked in my face and also partly due to her sheer audacity. Like could discourtesy be any more flagrant than that? Seriously what a 2 dollar whore. And if its a teacher then add like 3 expletives behind 2 dollar whore and change the 2 to 1 because shes a real cool role model to take after.


And hey only 1 f-word. 11/10 for restraint plx.


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