Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ragh today wasnt much better, its highly depressing to see a crazed ms ng first block in the morning who had basically two words to say to us for the year: You're pwned. Must be something about outlining every week of work and lectures for the year, stressing how little time we have left (when we havent even started proper), how much meaningless shit we have to cover so we can write them down on scraps of paper that determine whether we stay in bloody singapore or fly away to an equally anal university to write on more scraps of paper that assplodes any and whatever little amount of hope or joy for the year. QQ. Alright /endrant.

Had boring mcq in acons (must psyche self) and Gp was pretty ok though i think i'll have to be doing alot more on my own now T_T. chinese was as usual wtfboring so i spent my time catching up on some h3 hist reading so mr rollo wont think im a bloody slacker tomorrow. Oh well at least i have comix to read wewt.


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