Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Apparently my parents think there was some thief in the house yesterday. Everyone was asleep, then me mum heard someone trying to open her bedroom door (it was locked) and teh dogs barking. Then she damn paranoid then called my dad up. My dad woah suspicious so took BEDSIDE LAMP LOL then both started slinking arnd house looking for thief. The gate at the stairs used to block the dogs was also open so actually kinda nervy for them. Turns out wasn't maids, wasn't me, wasn't dogs so we still dunno. Bah wadever I got nothing valuable in my room to steal anyways cept like me hahahah. Nevertheless tryta rob me (in any sense) and ill take my musclepower 77 titanium badminton racket and monster shatter your ass.

Anyways in other news sian gave me this cool wooden panel thingy with king kong on it. He says he bought it in prague so Ill take his word for it but honestly if you told me guatamala or like timbuctoo I couldnt tell the difference either ^^. Its quite nice, uh..well..aesthetically pleasing. uh heh THAKS SIAN U BEST. If yao had any part to play in this most pleasant present thank him too. If he didnt then sian scores 10 brownie points. Nothing like good ol fashioned painted pieces of wood hahahaa

Haha I got 2 more interesting photos. Hq was saikanging recas posters yesterday so he was sending me the model posters last night. He looks SUPER SAD. Like OMG when you see the tagline 'really exciting cool and sexy' HQ IS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE LOL. MUCH PITIES!


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