Sunday, January 14, 2007

Hello its been a rather drab weekend.

Well just watched popular korean movie The Host on dvd with my parents. I actually found it quite enjoyable, despite the fact that the influx of Hollywood B-grade monster flicks (e.g. Octopus, Anaconda II) has created a stigma around the genre. The monster is stylish, and the movie is chocked full of dark humour that subverts the scariness. For example the monster is always falling all over the place, and there is a funeral scene which is uber hilarious. Of the popular Korean movies I've watched, I've enjoyed all of em. Tagueki, Joint Security Area, Old Boy are all spectacular. If there were any more I'd like to see they would be Sympathy for Mr and Mrs Vengeance (2 gruesome movies in a trilogy along with Old Boy), and probably Untold Scandal starring Bae Yong Jun.

Anyways Dr. Faustus is surprisingly readable. It definitely cuts out a lot of the thou-thee-didst-dost language that puts people off Shakespeare like half the time. It also has awesome quotes like "manly fortitude". Metoshofhosphillis is a gaylord. Just coz you are like banished from heaven doesnt mean you go around spreading yur angst on the world -__-

Speaking of religion, I recall..was it last week in church? One of the youth pastors was advertising for some event, and I did recall a rather subtle slipup in her speech.

"So remember to invite all your un..pre-believing friends!!" hehe lol.

zomg I'm boring even myself. That can't be too often.


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