Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Yeap today has been a fun day indeed. I shall give my version of events.

Day started with oh so interesting econs lecture which i didnt need to go for but went for anyway cuz im damn show off and kiasu la. I copied a little useful shit down although i disagree with what some of teh lecturer said, laughed at smoot a little cuz she had teh notes (heheh sorry im mean:). History was next and i swallowed another serving of ms ng's spoonshovelling 101 for nationalism woots. I credit 90% of my sea grade to her. Wait make it 100.

Then TEH UBER FUN STARTED with smoot blender peck boodi and i trooping off to orchard for lunch and shopping for bugis (tanneh nubby had to go after lunch : D). We then spent about 4? hours walking around bugis laughing at ultra mini skirts and lacey notmuchlefttoimagination tops and wondering if someone would wear them HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA. Peck and i laughed our guts out at various bling, hypnotising clothes (like zebra), more bling, and ahlian apparel that was O M G ugly.

I set out with a few objectives 1) get my wallet 2) get my u2 dvd 3) get a shirt. guess what i didnt achieve any of them cuz im a selective lil' biatch and not so impulsive like teh others. We mustve stopped at about 102910933790258408208912083190283190 earring shops tho i admit some were pleety pleety (some even looked eatable!!!) I am PISSED cuz my u2 dvd was 1 ONE ONE ONE disc long and costed 45 bucks so i didnt buy it in the end. But smod says she'll hlep me look for a cheaper one in aus. Awwww.

One good thing was that i ended up buying my mum cranberry scented (i nearly typed flavoured) shower gel as a semi-apology for being pissy a few days back, and also cuz i had to put my money to good use. She was kinda happy and surprised maybe now she'll give me more money so ill TRY to go shopping more and not buy anything more and buy her more things more. Hhahahahaahhaah damn im sad.

So anyways thanks to smud and blender for putting up with our utter UTTER NONSENSE im surprised some shop keepers didnt throw us out and actually agreeing to go shopping in the first place. Peck learnt new things, namely, how to tell a Top from a Bottom, and how Short is Short and how Lian is Lian. Grats peck, one day itll come in useful. If not you can at least laugh your sorry ass off.

Tomorrow is nyx's oober partey thing, i hope i dont screw it up cuz it actually requires thinking and i suck at that kinda thing unless its school related :(. Sorry in advance if i do! But i try anyways ok????? ^.^



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