Saturday, November 17, 2007


Yo. I just heard about the movie The Other Boleyn Girl, which basically is the story of Anne Boleyn and her sister Mary Boleyn as they vie for the love of Henry VIII. Anne is daring, bold and competitive while Mary is more conservative. The cast sounds absolutely superb - Natalie Portman (Anne), Scarlet Johansson (Mary) and Eric Bana (Henry). Scarlet Johansson, however ice-queen hot she may be actually looks great for this underdog role, because she has a certain pure, untainted look about her as well.

BUT, I think this movie is gonna fail because firstly everyone knows the ending. Anne Boleyn got her damn head chopped off and no I don't want to see Natalie Portman get her head chopped off. It will ruin everything hot I think about Natalie Portman. Secondly Eric Bana is cast as an impotent king which is.. an obviously incongruous image. Thirdly no one ever watches period pieces nowadays because they are filled with torture, poison and indulgent medieval language spoken in an over-british british accent.

You can watch the trailer here if you want.

And here's the new trailer from The Forbidden Kingdom which is based on the story of The Journey to the West. Jet Li as the monk dude? WTF he's supposed to be searching for holy scriptures not kicking ass (I'm not really that hard up about it though, he's quite cool). And what is a white man doing in the picture. Isn't that the guy from Sky High? What's he doing with Sun Wu Kong's awesome cudgel? It totally cheapens the epic, chinese kung fu feel of film to tell the truth.

And lastly here's a music video called Contagious by the Isley brothers featuring R. Kelly. I really like this song because it harks back to the days when RnB was more soulful and smooth, like in the Boys 2 Men era. Nowadays RnB is very usher-ish, much more edgy.


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