Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hello all!

GP was alright, AQ was a retard tho how teh hell do you agree with a passage that gives no detectable argument? Oh well but the rest was ok, i thought the essasy questions were generous. Did the one on state control and i proudly wrote, in big, bold, staring capitals, BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. Mr p give me 1000 marks!

HAT after that was far more interesting lol. First question, summary of points was alright! Second question asked me "What reasons does the author give for the development of the institutions of the state" or something like that. Again, pretty ok though i felt a little repetitive and im not sure what kind of extra analysis they were asking for so i gave some of my own to the info. Third question is gay! Asked me to outline the main factors contribution towards a change in relationship between the ruled and the rulers in a period familiar to me. So i spammed maximum governments and stuff like performance legitmacy, economics, changing perception of the masses and education and international pressure and blah blah. Not sure if me analysis was chim enough though :S.

LAST QN IS FUN i say sounding like a nerd. Ok i am one but w/e. They give you a PRIMARY SOURCE (This time it was an article written after the japanese occupation of japan, by a korean schoolgirl detailing her attempts to study history) and ask you about what implications of korean culture and society cna be drawn! HAahHAha so its like inviting the ultimate bullshit, like talk about male / female gender relations, role of religion cuz she sees a pastor and spiritual leaders are mentioned, hierarchical, the fiery nationalism of the youth versus the guarded fearfullness of the old, the incompleteness of japanese occupation considering that the events were taking place for "months", the wistful hope of the girl representative of the hopefulness of the nationalists in general, reverence for tradition (book was properly kept and beautifully bound LOL thats what i made of that). Ownage thing to do really let your imagination run wild because the mark scheme says "HISTORICAL ACCURACY IS NOT EXPECTED OR GRADED INSTEAD HISTORICAL IMAGINATION AND CLOSE SCRUNITY IS" hahahahah wooo.

Alright so thats the HAT for you, there were 5 other HC neeblets taking the test. 2 were scrubs who screwed their interview (eardrop ftw), 1 had an annoying accent oki well 2 had annoying accents but ah. Ah well dont really care much for whether i succeed or not, but i do want to know how well/badly i did cuz the test was pretty interesting! Hheheh already back to As now, friday of doom maths + sea die and stay dead LAST TIME ILL READ ABOUT AMENDMENT 6 AND FTZ ACTS AND KONBAUNG DYNASTY AND RENVILLE AGREEMENT DIE


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