Hello. Just had tuition. When I told my teacher that Mr. S doing money supply, my teacher was like o.0 because according to him money supply is not that important in the syllabus. The technical stuff about money e.g. its definitions, are also quite unnecessary. Plus my teacher said Mr. S is manly slow because he has not covered trade, exchange rates, etc. So...I dono. ARE WE SCREWED OR WUT!
Well today is Labour Day! Gratz to everyone who deserves to rest and doublegratz to people who are labouring on labour day! My parents went to church today. Apparently CHC has some god-like (in every sense of the word) carnival for its church members.
Aiks I, on the other hand have another tuition session later. Plus I need to do SATS. Plus I need to file tons of stuff. Plus I need to come up with human geog mugging timetable for Mr. Lee. Oh yeah i also need to edit my h3 essay for xy. Xy if you are reading this I need an extension because its very difficult to edit stuff coz its not about adding one or two words in. It's more like editing, adding and deleting paragraphs. And please don't mindsmite me.
Now I shall proceed to plaster this blog with a ton of random photos.
Why is eddie acting so cute

Thats why -_-

Cute pidgeon landed on the stairs

And then took a shite (to the horror of me and me dad)

Yeah so fina the bird hunter caught it and we let the dogs scare it for a while. It didn't seem scared though. We then let it go.

oh yeah the other night I dropped a towel on the ledge at like 1.30 am? Dont ask how, I just did. Couldn't knock it down and go down and collect it coz there was a rat in the house and yeah thats pretty screwed up. So I tried to fashion instruments to pick it up like chopsticks. Failed in the end though. Thinking about it, its quite boliao. But anyway was doing lit and I needed a brief respite

I actually made two things. Firstly I taped 2 badminton rackets together. But that wasnt nearly long enough. The second instrument I made was rather embarrassing (hence there is no picture). I taped 2 primary school recorders together with one badminton racket. That one failed big time. I think if my parents had woken up they'd have pushed me over the balconey just for not having a life.

Oh yeah. Here's a live video of Linkin Park singing What I've Done. Didnt post up the official video because I wasn't that impressed by it, and the audio wasn't that good. Basically I find that Chester sounds like shit when the music drowns him out, and thats what it sounds like in the official video. This, though is great. It's a slightly stripped down sound.
Well today is Labour Day! Gratz to everyone who deserves to rest and doublegratz to people who are labouring on labour day! My parents went to church today. Apparently CHC has some god-like (in every sense of the word) carnival for its church members.
Aiks I, on the other hand have another tuition session later. Plus I need to do SATS. Plus I need to file tons of stuff. Plus I need to come up with human geog mugging timetable for Mr. Lee. Oh yeah i also need to edit my h3 essay for xy. Xy if you are reading this I need an extension because its very difficult to edit stuff coz its not about adding one or two words in. It's more like editing, adding and deleting paragraphs. And please don't mindsmite me.
Now I shall proceed to plaster this blog with a ton of random photos.
Why is eddie acting so cute

Thats why -_-

Cute pidgeon landed on the stairs

And then took a shite (to the horror of me and me dad)

Yeah so fina the bird hunter caught it and we let the dogs scare it for a while. It didn't seem scared though. We then let it go.

oh yeah the other night I dropped a towel on the ledge at like 1.30 am? Dont ask how, I just did. Couldn't knock it down and go down and collect it coz there was a rat in the house and yeah thats pretty screwed up. So I tried to fashion instruments to pick it up like chopsticks. Failed in the end though. Thinking about it, its quite boliao. But anyway was doing lit and I needed a brief respite

I actually made two things. Firstly I taped 2 badminton rackets together. But that wasnt nearly long enough. The second instrument I made was rather embarrassing (hence there is no picture). I taped 2 primary school recorders together with one badminton racket. That one failed big time. I think if my parents had woken up they'd have pushed me over the balconey just for not having a life.

Oh yeah. Here's a live video of Linkin Park singing What I've Done. Didnt post up the official video because I wasn't that impressed by it, and the audio wasn't that good. Basically I find that Chester sounds like shit when the music drowns him out, and thats what it sounds like in the official video. This, though is great. It's a slightly stripped down sound.
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